1. The girl said that it gave her great pleasure to be there that evening.
2. The man said that he had to go as soon as possible.
3. She said that she didn't want to see any of us; she told us to go away.
4. The teacher says that if we work hard, we will pass.
5. He declared that he had won.
6. He suggested waiting for her return.
7. Alice announced how clever she was.
8. The young man wanted to know which way she had gone.
9. He asked me where I was going.
10. She told him to wait there till she returned.
1. John said that he was very busy at that time.
2. He said that the horse had been fed.
3. John said that he knew her name and address.
4. She said that German was easy to learn.
5. He said that he was writing letters.
6. Alice stated that it was too late to go out.
7. He told me that he didn't believe me.
8. He says that he is glad to be here this evening.
9. He asked me what I was doing.
10. The stranger wanted to know where the post office was.
11. He asked me if I would listen to him.
12. John told Peter to go away.
13. She asked me to wait there till she returned.
14. The judge ordered to call the witness.
15. The speaker told us to be quiet and listen to his words.
Акронимы служат двум основным целям: как сокращенные версии хорошо узнаваемых тем и как краткое средство повторного ввода темы в текст. Для второй цели они составляют часть системы лексической связи, наряду с повторениями,синонимами, родовыми существительными, именами собственными, подстановками (местоимениями) и различными системными клаузами. Третья причина использования акронима заключается в том, что он может быть лучше известен, чем полное имя; примерами являются технические термины AVO (Astrophysical Virtual Observatory) и радар, медицинские термины ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) и СПИД и финансовые термины RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) и TSE (Tokyo Stock Exchange).