People have always dreamt of travelling in space and reaching other planets. At the beginning of the 20th century a famous Russian scientist Tsiolkovsky said that mankind will not live on planet Earth forever.
His predictions came true half a century later, when the first artificial satellite was launched. It was on October 4, 1957. The satellite was called Sputnik-1.
However, the most important event in space exploration took place in on April 12, 1961, when spaceship “Vostok” with a man on board was launched into space. This first man who overcame gravitation was Yuri Gagarin. After successful orbiting, he returned to the Earth. This flight encouraged many other Russian cosmonauts to explore the outer space. Among them, Titov, Nikolaev, Tereshkova, Leonov, Savitskaya and others. Today the 12th of April is celebrated by Russian people every year as the Cosmonautics Day in commemoration of the first space flight.
Another important event is space exploration took place on July 20, 1969. It was the day when the American astronaut Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon.
In 1986 Russian space station “Mir” was launched.
Today, Russia wants the space exploration to be based on broad international cooperation. Many international crews went up as well. Space exploration is quickly progressing and it seems that soon we’ll be visiting other planets and even living on them. The 21st century may be the turning point. Next step is the first moonbase with scientists living in it. Other than that, people are planning to land on the nearest planet Mars soon to explore its surface.
Люди всегда мечтали о путешествиях в пространстве и полетах на другие планеты. В начале 20-го века известный русский ученый Циолковский говорил, что человечество не всегда будет жить на планете Земля.
Его предсказания сбылись спустя полвека, когда был запущен первый искусственный спутник. Это было 4 октября 1957 года. Спутник был назван Спутник-1.
Тем не менее, самое важное событие в освоении космоса состоялось 12 апреля 1961 года, когда космический корабль «Восток» с человеком на борту был запущен в космос. Этим первым человеком, который преодолел гравитацию, был Юрий Гагарин. После успешных орбитальных полетов, он вернулся на Землю. Этот полет побудил многих других русских космонавтов к изучению космического пространства. Среди них, Титов, Николаев, Терешкова, Леонов, Савицкая и другие. Сегодня 12 апреля русские люди отмечают ежегодно как День космонавтики в честь первого космического полета.
Другое важное событие в освоении космоса состоялась 20 июля 1969 года. Это был день, когда американский астронавт Нил Армстронг приземлился на Луне.
В 1986 году была запущена русская космическая станция "Мир".
Сегодня Россия хочет, чтобы освоение космоса основывалось на широком международном сотрудничестве. Многие международные экипажи были также запущены. Освоение космоса развивается динамично, и, кажется, что скоро мы будем посещать другие планеты и даже жить на них. 21 век может стать переломным моментом. Следующим шагом является первая база на луне с учеными, живущими в ней. Помимо этого, люди планируют вскоре высадиться на ближайшую планету Марс, чтобы изучить ее поверхность.
1. He has been working since early morning. He needs some time off.
2. Have you ever eatenChinese food?
3. – Have you seen mum?
- Yes, she is at the kitchen. She has been cooking dinner for an hour.
4. Have you been cleaning all morning?
5. We haven't bought all our Christmas presents yet.
6. - Have you been washing the car all morning?
- No. I have just started.
7. - I have been Knowing Jack for three years now.
- Has he been studying with you for that long?
8. Oh! I have cut my finger my finger!
1. Have you ever been to the UK?
2. What is Jane doing? She has been in the dressing room for an hour.
3. Has mum gone to the bakery’s?
4. Max has been to Moscow for 2 years now.
5. Alex has gone out. He will be back soon.
3. Fill in has gone to/ has been to/has been in.
1. Have you ever seen such a wonderful place?
2. How long have you been toTambov now?
3. – Where is Bob? – He has gone to the market several minutes ago.
4. Emma has been in Barcelona for 5 years.
5. I have been in St. Petersburg twice.
4. Fill in a/an/the where necessary.
1. A book that I bought yesterday is very interesting.
2. George calls me three times a day.
3. Sam is good at the basketball.
4. Russian Federation is the biggest country in the world.
5. Do you speak English?
6. Could you give me an apple?
7. Elisabeth II is the Queen of England.
8. I have never been to US.
9. I found a kitten in the park. I took the kitten home with me.
10. My dream is to visit the Bolshoi Theatre.
5. Choose the correct item.
1. This dish is delicious and doesn’t take much time to prepare.
2. There were very few people at the restaurant, so it was easy for us to find a table.
3. - Is it expensive? – No, not at all. It only costs a little pounds.
4. You shouldn’t spend a lot of money during this holidays.
5. “Do you want to have lunch with me?” –“Sure. I have a little free time before my next class.”