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Нужен перевод. заранее . astrakhan technical institute of fisheries was founded in 1930. the history of its growth, development and expansion of educational and scientific activity is marked by the institute's transforming into astrakhan state technical university (astu) in 1994. astrakhan state technical university is situated in one of the most picturesque places of our town, not far from the great russian river volga. a lovely academic town of the university is situated in, a beautiful parkland. it occupies 9 teaching buildings with up-to-date lecture halls, well equipped laboratories, a computing center and libraries rich in books. various conferences and meetings are held in the assembly hall situated in the main building. here you can also find director's, deans' and other offices. the university possesses several halls for residence (dormitories), on the territory of it you can see cafes, shops, a medical aid center and a club-house. director (or rector, as it is called in russia) is at the head of the university while the work of the institutes and the faculties is headed by directors and deans. the teaching staff of special and academic departments consists of very experienced lecturers and assistant, capable of giving their knowledge and experience to students. permanent aspiration of university's scientists to expand their research provides for the development of the university and increases its role that of an educational establishment and of a scientific center as well. this also results in the growth of teachers' professional skills and the quality of undergraduate training. the university constantly improves forms and methods of framing and offers its teaching staff new opportunities for innovation both in teaching and research. the success of the university's education policy is confirmed by the fact that among its graduates there are governors, managers of large businesses, world-famous scientists. at present, the structure of the university includes several institutes: the institute of distance learning, the institute of marine technologies, power engineering and transport, the institute of biology and nature management, the institute of information technologies and communication, the institute of economics, the institute of oil and gas, mechanical engineering institute. there are several faculties at the university as well: the faculty of law; , the faculty of applicant preliminary training, the faculty of optional vocational training; the faculty of international student preliminary training, the faculty of secondary vocational education. besides, there are several colleges that provide secondary engineering training under the auspices of the university. the opportunity to host different sports events is provided by excellent sports facilities of the university. they include a sports center with two swimming pools; halls for basketball, volleyball, tennis, acrobatics; a stadium, a gym, a football ground.

Астраханский технический институт рыбного хозяйства был основан в 1930 году. его роста, развития и расширения учебной и научной деятельности отмечена преобразованием института в астраханский государственный технический университет (асту) в 1994 году. астраханский государственный технический университет расположен в одном из самые живописные места нашего города, недалеко от великой реки волги. прекрасный академический город университета расположен в красивой парковой зоне. он занимает 9 учебных зданий с современными лекционными залами, хорошо оборудованными лабораториями, вычислительным центром и библиотеками, богатыми книгами. в зале ассамблеи, расположенном в главном здании, проводятся различные конференции и встречи. здесь вы также можете найти офисы директора, деканов и других офисов. университет имеет несколько залов для проживания (общежития), на его территории вы можете увидеть кафе, магазины, центр медицинской и клубный дом. директор (или ректор, как его называют в россии) возглавляет университет, а работу институтов и факультетов возглавляют директора и деканы. преподавательский состав специальных и академических отделов состоит из опытных преподавателей и , способных дать своим ученикам знания и опыт. постоянное стремление ученых университета к расширению своих исследований обеспечивает развитие университета и увеличивает его роль как образовательного учреждения, так и научного центра. это также приводит к росту профессиональных навыков преподавателей и повышению квалификации студентов. университет постоянно совершенствует формы и методы разработки и предлагает своим преподавателям новые возможности для инноваций как в области преподавания, так и в исследованиях. успех образовательной политики университета подтверждается тем, что среди его выпускников есть губернаторы, руководители крупных предприятий, всемирно известные ученые. в настоящее время в состав университета входят несколько институтов: институт дистанционного обучения, институт морских технологий, энергетики и транспорта, институт биологии и природопользования, институт информационных технологий и связи, институт , институт нефти и газа, институт машиностроения. в университете также есть несколько факультетов: юридический факультет, факультет предварительной подготовки кандидатов, факультет факультативного профессионального обучения; факультет международного студенческого предварительного обучения, факультет среднего профессионального образования. кроме того, существует несколько колледжей, которые обеспечивают среднее инженерное обучение под эгидой университета. возможность проведения различных спортивных мероприятий обеспечивается отличными спортивными сооружениями университета. они включают в себя спортивный центр с двумя бассейнами; залы для баскетбола, волейбола, тенниса, акробатики; стадион, тренажерный зал, футбольное поле.
4,6(48 оценок)
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Exercise 4. Remember the meaning of the terms that you will find in the text. 1. Spread sheet package - a kind of computer programs that you calculate data on sale, taxis, profits and so on. 2. Floppy disk - a disk made of plastic material upon which data are stored on magnetic tracks. 3. Compatible - it is usually said about two computers when their programs can be run on both of them. 4. Peripheral devices, or peripherals are units connected to the central processing units (CPU); they are input devices, output devices and storage devices. 5. Input is the process of transferring data or program instruction into the computer. 6. Output is the result produced by a computer. 7. Storage is the process of keeping information in a special device in computer. 8. Software may be denoted as a set of programs or instructions executed by the computer. 9. Hardware is a computer machinery and equipment. 10. Digital computer is a type of computer that uses a binary system. 11 11. Chip is a tiny piece of silicon containing a complex electronic circuits. Before reading the passage " The Rise of the Personal Computer" find in the text "The Rise of IBM" the chronological information on the models of computers produced by this company. Was the policy of IBM successful in the 1960s? THE RISE OF THE PERSONAL COMPUTER The first personal computer, the Altair, was announced in Popular Electronics in its January 1975 issue. The Altair was also the first example of new computer hardware. It caused a sensation in the computer industry: those who wanted could have their own computers to play with at home, and a mighty computer industry soon began to grow. A young computer hacker from Seattle by the name of William Gates, then a freshman at Harvard, sold the Altair developers a computer language that would run on their machine and that made it possible to program many advanced functions. Emboldened by their success with Altair, Gates and his friend founded Microsoft Corporation, which has become the world's largest person
4,7(76 оценок)
1 Where is your brother? - He was sent to France / he has been sent to France.
2 You have just been spoken about. 
3 At home she was laughed at.
4 Who was this letter written by?
5 These flowers have just been picked up.
6 Were you asked to come earlier yesterday?
7 His play will be staged in this theatre next year. 
8 This professor is always sent for in difficult situations.
9 St Paul's Cathedral was built by architect Wren.
10 When was this letter written?
11 Where were the books put?
12 The doctor will be sent for tomorrow.
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