Текст: Write a list of things you want for your birthday . Перевод: Напишите список вещей, которые вы хотите для своего дня рождения. Объяснение: Тебе надо выбрать какой хотел бы ты подарок на день рождение Решение: For my birthday, I would like a new phone and an e-book is my dream and I really want to get them Перевод: На мой день рождения, я хотел бы новый телефон и электронную книгу это моя мечта и я очень хочу их получить
1. We have just come home but our children came home an hour ago. 2. I have already come from school. Now I am having dinner. 3. When did it stop raining? - It stopped raining two hours ago. 4. Did you sent him a telegram last week? 5. She has never driven a car before. 6. He has read the text and now he can retell it. 7. Jane wasn't at the cinema this week. 8. Don't you know who has opened the door? 9. Five years ago he was a typist. 10. When did he see you? - He saw me this week. 11. It's the best thing he has ever made. 12. Where have I put my bag? I can't find it. 13. Has somebody telephoned me? — Your mother telephoned you there times this morning. 14. I am happy. I have just received a telegram from my friend. 15. When did they move to a new flat? - They moved there last month.
1. She has been to all capital cities of Europe this year. (Она бывала во всех столицах Европы в этом году. (Present Perfect)) 2. John travelled around Europe last year. (Джон путешествовал вокруг Европы в году. (Past Perfect)) 3. Have you ever lived in a foreign country? (Ты когда-либо жил в другой стране? (Past Perfect)) 4. My friend know a lot because he has read a lot. (Мой друг много знает потому, что он много читал (Present Perfect)) 5. She went home two days ago. (Она уехала домой два дня назад (Past Perfect))
1. When the police arrived (Past Perfect), the car had gone (Present Perfect). (Когда полиция прибыла, машина уже уехала) 2. George finished doing his homework at eight o'clock. (Джордж закончил делать своё домашнее задание в восемь часов) (Past Perfect) 3. When she got (Past Perfect) to the shop, it had closed (Present Perfect). (Когда она добралась до магазина, он уже закрылся.) 4. The train had left (Present Perfect) when he came (Past Perfect) to the station. (Поезд уехал, когда он пришёл на станцию.) 5. We had eaten (Present Perfect) everything by the time he arrived (Past Perfect) at the party. (Мы уже успели всё съесть к тому времени, когда он приехал на вечеринку)
Тут тебя просят написать список вещей которые ты хочешь на день рождение
Smartphone - телефон
Cake - торт
New clothes - новая одежда
Interesting book - интересную книгу
и т.д.