1. I love figure skating.
2. Nikolai Panin is a famous Russian figure skater.
3. This is a very elegant sport.
4. Figure skating is a winter sport.
5. Figure skating as a separate sport originated in Russia in 1865.
6. Figure skating is the oldest sport included in the program of the Olympic Games.
7. Peter I brought skates to Russia for the first time.
8. There is a single pair and synchronized skating
9. In 1882, the first figure skating competitions were held in Vienna.
10. In the days when there were no color TVs, commentators described the skaters' clothes
Yesterday I -decided- to go to the department store. I -wanted- to buy a new sweater. I also -invited- Liz, my friend with me. When we -arrived- there, we -saw- a lot of people. We -found- the counter with sweaters and -began- to choose them. They -were- of different colors and sizes. I -asked- to show me a blue sweater which -was- my size. I -decided- to try it on and (0) to the fitting room. It -was- wonderful! It -fit- me perfectly! Liz
-advised- me to buy it, because it -was- nice and not expensive. I -asked- where the cash desk -was-. I -paied- money, (take*) -took- my sweater and we -went- home. The day -was- lucky!
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