1. Британия в 1980 - х и начале 1990-х годов имела большую дорогу батлдинг
2. Неудивительно, что автомобиль становится все более популярным.
3. Даже сегодня Тауэрский мост регулирует большую часть впечатляющего трафика
из лондонского порта.
4. С тех пор башня служила крепостью, дворцом, государственной тюрьмой и так далее.
королевская сокровищница, теперь это музей.
5. Пение латинского гимна продолжается уже более 350 лет.
6. Кембриджский университет подобен Федерации колледжей.
1. Трамваи впервые были использованы в Лондоне в 1861 году, но все они были заменены
на автобусе после 1945 года.
2. Британия, потому что это остров, всегда была вынуждена иметь хорошие отношения.
торговые отношения с другими странами.
3. Многие великие люди, в том числе сам Кристофер Рен, Нельсон и другие.
другие похоронены в Соборе Святого Павла.
4. Для англичанина это лучшая из всех причин делать что-то в мире.
верный заключается в том, что это всегда делалось именно так.
5. Университет рассматривается как время быть независимым.
6. Если, например, кто-нибудь оставит кошку голодать в пустом доме
пока он будет отдыхать, его могут отправить в тюрьму.
Если надо на Украинском, пиши)
Гоу лучший ответ:3
Where is the UK situated?
1)on islands to the west-east of Europe
2)on islands to the north-west of Europe
3)on islands to the south-west of England
What is the full name of the UK?
1)The United States of America
2)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
3) The Union Jack
What river does London stand on?
1)The Severn River
2)The Dnipro River
3)The Thames River
Where is Ben Nevis situated?
1)in England
2)in Scotland
3)in Wales
What colour is the UK flag?
Несколько правильных ответов
How many crosses is the flag of the UK made up of?
1)two crosses
2)three crosses
3)four crosses
In London we can see many places of interest: ..., and ...
The Houses of Parliament
1)London Eye
2)Golden Gate
The Thames is the ... river in Great Britain.
People of the UK keep their ...
я не профи но выберешь отсюда какие именно тебе надо глагольные или существит
Again, the world is stood on its head: siding with the United States, the global bully , demonstrates strength.
They want to bully people like Jordan did, but without his results.
The kid who was bullied becomes the bully , taunting, beating up fellow students, and intimidating teachers.
Yummy, bully for you!
The law gives him the power to bully military officers.
And I say bully for him.
They can bully people and shove their ideas around because there is no support for those who challenge them.
Jurors and the public in general doesn't want to see lawyers bully people unless, as I say, they kind of just feel the first punch.
Perhaps he could not harm the bully, but the bully 's favourite toy could be broken.
Pester-power is an amazingly strong force, and children know how best to bully their parents into buying them what they want.
Dealing with a bully without becoming a thug yourself is not wimpish, negative passivity.
Techniques for dealing with a bully without becoming a thug are covered in the next chapter and then the focus widens to ‘Power and World Conflict’.
It's a bully conclusion to a riveting journey through time.
It's been used not only for fraud, but to bully people and give them a bad name.
I may enjoy even less security than people in offices, but no boss can bully me, and I don't have to pretend to worship any company.
Her main strength is her hypocrisy, which she uses to bully the other teams into giving up luxuries that she herself uses daily.
Did they think they had some right to bully me, to intimidate me, to own me?
McCarthy was a state-backed bully and demagogue who harmed many innocent people.
That is why this franchise is the closest yet to possibly, maybe, being that bully team the NFL has lacked since the Cowboys faded almost a decade ago.
The union claimed the Royal Mail was trying to intimidate and bully workers into agreeing unacceptable working practices.
This has become a crusade by a single judge attempting to bully other people into accepting his beliefs.
There was no discernible reason for what you did other than your violent temper and your arrogant desire to bully other people.
Just because the people in your old school bullied you, doesn't mean people will bully you in your new school.
he is a ranting, domineering bully
She opened the back door only to see thrown down on the lawn an empty can of her bully beef and, to make matters worse, an empty tin of her cat's food!
You can't bully people into accepting your ideas.
I'm not sure who told them it was wise to stand up to the schoolyard bully, but that same person may want to remind them that the bully is generally the bully because he can hit really, really hard.