in my free time i like writing some texts in english, this is so cool. when i go home, after hard day at school, i'm starting doing my homework, and i can't wait, when i can write the text in english, excuse my tautology. when my friends go for a walk and have fun, i'm writing the texts, like this; i can write texts for 10 hours. i could built a perfect card castles or i could create incredible domino rally. but instead of this i'm naturally create the sentences and make a texts of them in english of course. sometimes i going to a street and take some notes in my notepad, about everything, like what humans prefer to do. usually they do nothing, just pretending to busy with something. i have a second little hobby, which i do then i don't write some lyrics - it's collecting bugs and some insects. i just go to the forest and put the bottle traps, after i use special technique to perpetuate them. and also i love a dreaming.
1)The child throws garbage into the bin
Ребёнок выбрасывает мусор в урну
2)Girl is reading a book
Девочка читает книгу
3)Guys ride a bike
Ребята катаются на велосипеде
4)Family on a picnic
Семья на пикнике
5)It's street outside
На улице типло
6)Children play games
Дети играют в игры
7)Butterfly flies
Бабочка летает
8)Girl runs
Девочка бегает
9)Older people are standing
Пожилые люди стоят
10)Girls play
Девочки играют
11)Is shining
Светит солнце
12)Bridge over the spring
Над родником мостик
13)Boy sitting on grass
Мальчик сидит на траве
14)Girl sniffing roses
Девочка нюхает розы
15)Bunnies are jumping
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