Is New Zealand a country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean?
Did New Zealand become the first country to give women the right to vote in 1893?
Is the population of New Zealand about 4 million people?
Is New Zealand English close to Australian English in pronunciation?
Did the country once belong to the British Empire?
How did The Dutch cartographers call the islands?
How many volcanoes does New Zealand have?
When did Captain James Cook come to the islands?
Why did New Zealand become a popular location for the production of television programs and films?
When did the country gain its independence from Britain?
a) Daniel Donovar stood on the deck of the Forfarshire, looking out to sea.
b) The sea was rough with big grey waves.
c) Mr Robb was a tall, dark man.
d) Black smoke came out of the Forfarshire`s funnel.
e) There was a big paddle wheel on each side of the ship that went round and round.
f) The ship`s engines made strange noises, then stopped.