3. Uzbekistan consists of 12 regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan
4. The supreme Legislative branch is the Oliy Majilis. It consists of two chambers: Legislative Chamber (the Lower Chamber) and the Senate (the Upper Chamber)
5. The Legislative Chamber consists of one hundred (100) and twenty deputies. The Senate consists of members of the Senate. Members of the Senate are elected in equal quantity - in six persons from Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent. Senate members called senators.
6. Sixteen members can be appointed by the President. They may be people with large practical experience and special merits in the sphere of science, art, literature, manufacture and other spheres of state and public activity.
ответ: Natural disasters and cataclysms very often occur in our country. Floods, fires, hurricanes, earthquakes. Most of them are due to the carelessness of people. And some are due to global problems on a global scale. For example, floods occur due to global warming. Icebergs are melting and sea levels are rising, causing flooding. Fires are caused by abandoned electrical appliances. Earthquakes occur due to underground movements. All these cataclysms bring very great destruction, but if you prepare for a cataclysm in advance, you can avoid it. To do this, you can use special protection for the house, which will strengthen the foundation.
В нашей стране очень часто происходят стихийные бедствия и катаклизмы. Наводнения, пожары, ураганы, землетрясения. Большинство из них связано с невнимательностью людей. А некоторые связаны с глобальными проблемами в глобальном масштабе. Например, наводнения происходят из-за глобального потепления. Айсберги тают, а уровень моря поднимается, вызывая наводнения. Пожары вызваны брошенными электроприборами. Землетрясения происходят из-за подземных движений. Все эти катаклизмы несут очень большие разрушения, но если вы подготовитесь к катаклизму заранее, вы сможете его избежать. Для этого можно использовать специальную защиту для дома, которая укрепит фундамент.
Эти телефоны были сделаны в Китае
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