To date, we ourselves not noticing has surrounded himself with gadgets in all areas activities. Since they represent any small size digital devices, which allow you to put them in pocket or put on your hand, or connect to PDA, PC and smartphones. Hence, like you guessed it, it the definition is suitable as follows familiar all things as digital cameras, MRZ players, GPS- navigators, flash drives, headset for mobile phones and much more more. Thanks to its main features, namely, portability, gadgets can be as indispensable parts workflow, and simple trinkets that will help cope with boredom in moments tedious waiting, for example: the end a working day or a dull trip.
Receptionist является именем существительным,мужского рода,значит,он he.Тогда отбрасываем варианты have to, don`t have to.Получаем,что можно составить лишь такие модальные глаголы: A receptionist(администратор) doesn`t have to и A receptionist has to. Теперь разберемся с обычными глаголами: Take не подходит,ибо "администратор не может взять публику" Work подходит только с послелогом with,потому что с публикой работать можно. Deal with переводится как "иметь дело",а иметь дело с публикой можно,тем более,что здесь уже присутствует послелог. Do -делать публику нельзя. Use -использовать ее тоже нельзя. Поэтому, A receptionist has to deal with the public. A receptionist has to deal with the public.
My Daily RoutineМой распорядок дняMy name is Sergei. I’m fourteen years old. To have time to do everything I try to map out my time correctly. I wake up at 7 o’clock every day except Sunday. I wash myself, clean my teeth with a tooth-brush and have my breakfast. In the mornings I like to eat fried eggs or omelette, cheese sandwich and to drink white coffee. My lessons begin at 8:30. I have to get to my school four stops by bus and not to be late I leave home at 7:50. At 2 o’clock the lessons are over. If the weather is good I like to go home from school on foot. After dinner I like to watch TV. I go in for boxing twice a week. My training begins at 3 o’clock and lasts for an hour. Then I do my homework. My parents go home after their work at half past five and we have supper at about six o’clock. I go for a walk with my friends in the evening. We go to the cinema or spend time in the public garden. I go to bed at 10 o’clock. Thanks to the fact that I have plan of the day I have the time for studies and a good rest.
not noticing has surrounded himself with
gadgets in all areas
activities. Since they
represent any
small size digital devices,
which allow you to put them in
pocket or put on your hand, or
connect to PDA, PC and
smartphones. Hence, like you
guessed it, it
the definition is suitable as follows
familiar all things as digital
cameras, MRZ players, GPS-
navigators, flash drives, headset for
mobile phones and much more
Thanks to its main
features, namely,
portability, gadgets can
be as indispensable parts
workflow, and simple
trinkets that will help
cope with boredom in moments
tedious waiting, for example: the end
a working day or a dull trip.