Dear Mary,
How are you? What about your exams? Now I'm living and studying in Ukraine. Ukraine is amazing! Most people are very amiable and attention. They always help you if you need them. Also, Ukrainian have a great sense of humour, so I never boring with my Ukrainian friends. I think the interaction between Ukrainian people is the same as between English people.
Studying is very interesting. Ukrainian students have a lot of holidays but lessons are longer than in England.
Especially, I delight in Ukrainian cuisine. It includes using a lot of vegetables and fruits. There are many dishes from meat and fish in Ukrainian cuisine. So, the food is very tasty.
As for me, Ukrainian,'s climate is colder than in England. But I like it because it is a lot of snow in winter.
I have to go now. Write back soon!
All the best,
Your Jane.
I love sunday.everyday Same thing.