The ubiquity of technology, the endless improvement of smartphones and the increase in the speed of mobile Internet brings a lot of positive. But everything is good in moderation. Excessive enthusiasm for the pursuit of likes, online games and web surfing at night can lead to ailments, both physical and mental. I have prepared a list with descriptions of the most common problems, in which, perhaps, you will find your symptoms. As well as a list of many advantages.
Pros of using gadgets and PC
PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones are good because they provide access to information on the Internet and allow you to use various programs. The following positive aspects of using these devices can be distinguished:
1. The development of fine motor skills. Work on devices with a joystick, buttons and touchscreen (touch screen) allow you to develop fingers and train fine motor skills. And tracking the movement of a computer mouse on the screen allows you to train your attention.
2. . Education of primary school students. Occurs with the help of special educational programs and games using visual images and active forms of work of the child himself. Very good games in which the child is offered a problem situation and needs to find its solution, analyzing the source data, doing search and research activity. For example, it can be games with building letters from lines, correlating concepts with images, etc.
3. Access directly from home to a lot of useful information. On the Internet, students can read the latest news, find texts of books, find interesting information about a great discovery, traveler, historical event, etc. The advantage of the Internet over a library is the instant receipt of new information.
4. Formation of the skills of students to search and filter information. This skill is most actively formed in adolescence. The abundance of various information sites puts the student in need to analyze all the information received and select reliable information from them. In addition to the ability to search and filter information, it also develops critical thinking ability.
5. Communication with classmates and teachers. Very good special blogs and groups in social networks created for students of a particular class. Here, the teacher and students can exchange information and news, discuss disputed issues, discuss read works, work together on projects, etc.
6. The use of gadgets has many advantages, however, some rules must be followed so as not to harm health.
Cons of using gadgets and PC
Frequent and irregular use of gadgets can lead to a number of negative consequences:
1. Health problems. Frequent sitting at a computer or tablet can lead to redness and dry eyes, impaired vision, impaired posture, muscle problems (from their prolonged immobility), oxygen starvation of the brain (as a result of squeezing of blood vessels and lack of fresh air), sleep disorders.
2. Psychological problems. Children who use gadgets a lot and spend little time with their peers from an early age may have problems with social adaptation. It is difficult for them to communicate with people, find a common language with them, they are timid and shy, know little about life outside the computer and often get lost in real life situations.
3. Dependence. This is the most serious consequence of using PCs and gadgets. It is formed under the influence of many aspects (frequent use of the device, lack of other interests in life, personal problems, etc.) and has a number of symptoms.
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In the 60s of the 20th century, London received the status of the center of youth cultures, which influenced its development until the end of the century. The youth culture of the time developed due to two factors: the musical success of British performers such as the Beatles or the Rolling Stones, as well as a significant influx of immigrants from the Commonwealth countries.
The youth movement of the 60-ies of the received definition of "Swinging London", and the name of the street, Carnaby street, bought nominal value in the world.
Young people in London recognized the importance of everything modern, looked to the future with optimism and became the initiators of the cultural and sexual revolutions. Then came the years of a lull, but since the 1980s the city has returned to its former importance as a youth center, but in the Wake of another music – punk rock.
The end of the 20th century for London was marked by the influx of migrants from India, Pakistan, Jamaica, who left their special mark on the cultural traditions of indigenous people, as well as the conflict with Northern Ireland. Both processes left their mark on the life of London in the 80-90-ies: problems with migrants caused riots in the streets, and the Irish army constantly staged terrorist attacks.
The influx of migrants led to the formation of a special dialect of the English language – London multicultural English by the end of the 20th century. This phenomenon is a mixture of traditional London English and the languages of visiting London residents. The dialect has many elements from the languages of Asia and the Caribbean. Native speakers are the working class and young people.