Weather is the most common topic for a small talk. If you barely know a person, talking about weather can fill in the pauses in your conversation when you both think of what to say next.
When the sky is clear and the sun is shining, we enjoy the warm and sunny day. If the wind is calm, you can go for a walk. If it is windy, you can launch a kite or ride a sailboat. This kind of weather is usual for late spring and summer. For example, we can say that it is abnormally hot or, on the contrary, we can say that the last time it was so cold in the summer of 1975. In some European regions, like Netherlands and Ireland, there are not many dry days. They say: “How to know if it is summer? The rain is warm.”
In Autumn, the weather changes from sunny and pleasant to cold, windy, and rainy very often. There is an old saying that “it rains cats and dogs”, but English people have not actually used it for a long time. You never can tell if the next day is going to be fine or misty, will the streets bask in the sunlight or be covered in haze.
The winter weather depends on the region. In Great Britain, there are four winter month, starting from November. Winter may be harsh or mild. The amount of snow is different from year to year. The sky is covered with clouds.
The beginning of spring is usually muddy, and wet, as the snow melts and rivers begin to flow strongly. Sometimes, it may result in a flood. Then nature wakes up from sleep and everyone is happy and optimistic. The weather is still very random - snow, rain, and sun may change every day, but it becomes warmer with time.
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