1. What is your dad doing now? (Что сейчас делает твой папа?)
He is working now. (Он работает.)
2. What is your friend doing now? (Что сейчас делает твой друг/подруга?)
My friend is eating ice-cream now. (Ест мороженое.)
3. What are your friends doing now? (Что сейчас делают твои друзья?)
They are playing in the yard now. (Они играют во дворе.)
4. What is your aunt doing now? (Что сейчас делает твоя тётя?)
She is cooking dinner now. (Она готовит обед.)
5. What is your uncle doing now? (Что сейчас делает твой дядя?)
He is reading a newspaper now. (Читает газету.)
6. What is your pet doing now? (Что сейчас делает твой питомец?)
My pet is sleeping now. (Спит.)
7. What are your grandma and grandpa doing now? (Что сейчас делают твои бабушка и дедушка?)
My grandma and grandpa are watching TV now. (Смотрят телевизор.)
8. What are you doing now? (Что сейчас делаешь ты?)
I'm writing now. (Я пишу.)
1) The cat is on the roof
2) Tom doesn't have many English books
3) The book you have been looking for is here
4) Does he usually come home late?
5) A book is on a table there
6) I prepare homework in the evening
7) He was at home yesterday
8) My wife isn't a nurse
9) What is your sister's name?
10) What is colour of your house?
11) I am not very tall