1. He included me in the list of tourists without further ado. 2. She persuaded me to go, saying that she would join me in a week. 3. The fact that you will annoy him, you will only annoy him even more. 4. She settled this issue without making too much noise. 5. When I woke up, I didn't immediately realize where I was. 6. Passing by their house, he decided to go in. 7. After graduation, she began working as a secretary. 8. Without going into details, he immediately moved on to the merits of the case. 9. While packing his things, he suddenly remembered that
he had packed the ticket along with the documents quite mechanically (without thinking). 10. We felt cheerful, despite the fact that we were very hungry. 11. Before going to bed, he decided to write a letter home.
1) rebellious (мятежный, бунтарский) - Ян никогда не делает то, что просит его учитель. Он мятежный и грубый.
2) easy-going (добродушный, с легким характером) - Родители Киры такие добродушные. Она может делать все, что захочет.
3) creative (креативный, творческий) - Джонни действительно хорош в рисовании и написании историй. Он очень креативный.
4) outgoing (общительный) - Бен дружелюбный и разговорчивый. Он действительно общительный и легко заводит друзей.
5) gentle (вежливый) - Зоя очень вежливая. Она никогда не ранит чувств людей.