The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. It is a big city. More than three million people live there. Kyiv is situated on the Dnipro, the main Ukrainian river. When you go on the bridges over Dnipro you can admire the beauty of this river. Khreshchatyk is the main street in Kyiv. People like to walk in Khreshchatyk. On Saturday and Sunday there is no traffic in this street. Maidan Nezalezhnosti is the main square in Kyiv. This place is very beautiful. In spring and summer the streets in Kyiv are very nice because there are a lot of green trees there especially in May when the chestnut trees are in blossom. There are also many places of interest in Kyiv. They are the Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and many others.
Смотря какой фильм кароче первый слайд - имя и фамилия, тип hello, i am and I am going to tell you abouta film called "" Я возьму Гарри Поттера. второй слайд вопросы - 1) почему этот фильм I chose this film, because my friend recommended it (или I read the book) и.т.д. 2) Возможно жанр It's a fantasy film for family 3) The film is based on J.R. book "Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone" 4) если презентация серьезная, то можно ещк и режиссеров добавить
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главные персонажи - описание harry potter - a skinny boy with a scar on his forehead, who became a wizard. ron weasley - one of harry's closest friends, a red - haired boy. hermione granger - a smart witch
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что запомнилось
there were loads of fascinating moments in the film, but i loved the moment, when Harry, Ron and Hermione first met at the Hogwarts Express, because that was their first meeting and their first time going to Hogwarts.
6 слайд
i recommend this film to you, because it' s not just a fascinating film, but a film based on friendship и.т.д.
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