I think that every person on Earth has at least one friend, because we can’t live without close people. A friend is a person with whom you can share your secrets, whom you can totally trust, and who will support you in the hour of need. Of course, I also have friends. I am quite a sociable person, and usually I make friends easily. But there are only three people in my life, whom I can consider my best friends. And I’d like to tell about them.
Я думаю, что у каждого человека на Земле есть хоть один друг, потому что мы не можем жить без близких людей. Друг – это человек, которому вы можете открыть свои тайны, которому вы полностью доверяете и который поддержит в трудную минуту. Конечно, у меня тоже есть друзья. Я довольно общительный человек и обычно я легко схожусь с людьми. Но в моей жизни есть всего три человека, которых я могу считать лучшими друзьями. И я хочу рассказать о них.
I went to school at 9 a.m. and came home at 2 p.m., how many hours did I stay at school?
Answer: I spent three hours
Перевод :
ответ:3 часа я потратил
Я пошёл в школу в 9 часов утра и вернулся домой в 14 часов, сколько часов я пробыл в школе?
2 загадка :
I used to go to bed at 9 p.m. in the summer, but in the fall I fell asleep at 8 p.m. The question is, how many hours did I sleep longer in the summer than in the fall?
Answer: 1 hour difference.
ответ: 1 час разницы.
Перевод :
Раньше я ложился спать в 9 часов вечера летом , но осенью я засыпал в 8 часов вечера. Вопрос, во сколько часов я спал дольше летом чем осенью?
I have a dog, his name is Mukhtar but I mostly call him fly. He responds to this nickname means he understands that it is addressed to him. A fly from his nose came a puppy. He was so small, I even saw his eyes open. They're born completely blind. I saw his first steps, it was so funny to watch him roll from side to side like a bear with a clubfoot.
When he grew up a little bit I started to learn all sorts of commands. I taught him to walk with me when I gave him the command, he performed it, it was so cool and he also liked it. He even learned to bring a stick, and most of all he loved to play ball. The fly brought it to me and asked me to play with it. We've been on a course walk, we run for each other. He loves it. When I'm hiding from him, and he can't find me, the Fly starts barking, I guess you could say come out and I give up. I love him so much, my Mukhtar.