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I.вставьте нужное по смыслу слово в предложение, переведите предложения: fresh, was born, in the evening, a canteen, sometimes 1. we have supper together, watch tv or read books. 2. i take a shower. 3. my father in 1978 in kursk. 4. we have in our college. 5. i like apples. ii. вставьте артикль a, an, the, где необходимо: 1.have you got … telefone? 2. his sister is … economist. 3. i see … woman. … woman is very beautiful. 4. she likes … male cats. 5. we are at … home in the evening. iii. вставьте нужное по смыслу местоимения, переведите предложения: 1.… are speaking english. 2. … is a wonderful day. 3.… am sitting of the sofa. 4. i gave you my phone number. give me … . 5.his hair is shorter than … . iv. поставьте прилагательное в нужную степень сравнения, переведите предложения: 1.it is (cold) to-day than it was yesterday. 2. health is (good) than wealth. 3. steel is (strong) than wood. 4. she is (good) figure – skater. 5. the russian grammar is (difficult) grammar of all languages. v. поставьте правильную форму глагола to be (am, is, are, was, were, will be), переведите предложения : 1. winter … the coldest season of the year. 2. i … born in 1996. 3.we … in turkey last summer. 4. my brother … a mechanic. 5. i … a student of the college. vi. поставьте правильную форму глагола to have, has (had, will have): 1.we … a nice house. 2. many years ago i … another surname.3. next summer we a new country– house. 4. after lessons he … dinner in the canteen. 5. she … a bad nature. vii. образуйте множественное число существительных: a city, a man, a life, a bush, a, dressa hero a lady, a girl, music,


I)  1. Sometimes we have supper together, watch TV or read books. - Иногда мы проводим время вместе, смотрим телевизор или читаем книги.

   2. In the evening I take a shower. - Вечером я принимаю душ.

   3. My father was born in 1978 in Kursk. - Мой отец родился в 1978 году в Курске.

   4. We have a canteen in our college. - В нашем колледже есть столовая.

   5. I like fresh apples. - Я люблю свежие яблоки.

II) 1. Have you got a telephone?

   2. His sister is an economist

   3. I see a woman. Woman is beautiful.

   4. She likes male cats.

   5. We are at home in the evening.

III) 1. We are speaking English. - Мы говорим по-английски.

    2. It is a wonderful day. - Это прекрасный день.

    3. I am sitting of the sofa. - Я сижу на диване.

    4. I gave you my phone number. Give me it. - Я дал тебе свой номер телефона. Дай мне его.

    5. His hair is shorter than mine. - Его волосы короче, чем мои.

IV) 1. It is colder today than it was yesterday. - Сегодня холоднее, чем вчера.

     2. Health is better than wealth. - Здоровье лучше чем погода

     3. Steel is stronger than wood. - Сталь сильнее дерева

     4. She is better figure - skater. - Она лучше катается на коньках.

     5. The Russian grammar is more difficult grammar of all languages. - Грамматика русского языка труднее чем грамматика всех языков.

V) 1. Winter is the coldest season of the year. - Зима - самое холодное время года.

    2. I am born in 1996. - Я родился в 1996.

    3. We are in Turkey last summer. - Мы были в Турции летом.

    4. My brother is a mechanic. - Мой брат - механик.

    5. I am a student of the college. - Я - студент колледжа.

VI) 1. We have a nice house.

     2. Many years ago I had another surname.

     3. Next summer we will have a new country-house

     4. After lessons he had dinner in the canteen.

     5. She has a bad nature.

VII) a city - cities

     a man - a men

     a life - lives

     a bush - bushes

     a dress - dresses

     a hero - heroes

     a lady - ladies

     a girl - girls

     music - musics

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1. If number of speakers decrease, some languages will be endangered.
2. If Internet reaches all corners of the world, English as the Net language will influence the culture of non-speaking countries.
3. If English keeps on being global, other languages won’t set foot on Internet. 4. The world’s linguistic experts will be alarmed if many languages disappear at an alarming rate.
5. If some tribes aren’t urbanized and assimilated into mainstream, their languages won’t die out.
6. Youngsters will be able to communicate with people from abroad, if they learn foreign languages.
7. If the EU wasn’t worried about endangered languages, they wouldn’t issue a special directive on preserving them.
8. If minority languages aren’t politically tolerated, they will be in jeopardy.
9. If the high number of languages spoken in the EU corridors, it would be like a Tower of Babel.
10. If English is the language of trade and diplomacy, it will be considered as lingua franca nowadays. 
4,4(55 оценок)
 My school is the best. It has 3 floors. Primary school students study on the first floor. Our school has a big gym where different sport events and physical education lessons take place. In the assembly hall we celebrate some events. All classrooms are light and spare. In physics and chemistry classrooms there are laboratories where we do experiments. There are new computers in the information technology classroom. Students from our school often win competitions. A lot of good teachers work there. Each of them always give us interesting lessons. Our classroom teacher’s neme is Elmira Malekovna. She teaches algebra and geometry. Thanks to her our class is the most united and diligent. My class often goes to the cinema, theatres, museums and visit exhibitions at the weekend.  When the holiday starts I miss my school. I like my school very much.  

School is the most important thing in our life. It builds up our personalities and teaches us to treat the world around us properly. In school we find our first best friends and fall in our first love.

School is the place where we feel our first joy or try to hide our tears. School teaches us to overcome the obstacles in our life and not to stop where we are. There are a lot of intellectual, entertaining and sport events. These events make us more unified.

We will remember our years at school, our teachers and classmates who have become very close to us.
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