PRESENT SIMPLE: Мне это вовсе не нравится I don’t like it at all 2 Ей не нравится сидеть дома целый день She doesn’t like staying at home all day 3 Мы не хотим переехать за границу We don’t want to move abroad 4 Это не интересует меня It doesn’t interest me 5 Он не учится усердно He doesn’t study hard PRESENT It is not raining. – Сейчас дождь не идёт. We are not working. – Мы не работаем. She is not playing tennis with her friends, she is having lunch. – Она не играет в теннис с подругой, она обедает. Are you listening to me? – Ты меня слушаешь? Is he looking for his documents now? – Он сейчас ищет свои документы? Are they visiting their friend in the hospital? – Они сейчас навещают своего друга в больнице?
1. She is cooking dinner at the moment. Dinner is being cooked. 2. She always cooks dinner. Dinner is always cooked. 3. She has already cooked dinner. Dinner has already been cooked. 4. She cooked dinner at 3 o'clock. Dinner was cooked at 3 o'clock. 5. She has been cooking dinner since 2 or 3 o'clock. Dinner has been being cooked since 2 or 3 o'clock. 6. She had cooked dinner by 3 o'clock. Dinner had been cooked by 3 o'clock. 7. She will cook dinner in 2 hours. Dinner will be cooked in 2 hours. 8. She will have cooked dinner by 3 o'clock. Dinner will have been cooked by 3 o'clock. 9. She will be cooking dinner from 2 to 3. Dinner will be being cooked from 2 to 3. 10. She has to cook dinner. Dinner has to be cooked.
I was studying while my little sister was playing with her dolls.