I bought a new car yesterday.
If you don't hurry up now, you will be late for lessons.
Can you tell me where the library is?
Do you know the teacher who is talking to your father?
I haven't been on holiday since 2000.
I don't have much money.
I would spend my holidays in the UK if I had enough money.
We do not like water sports.
The weather today is even worse than yesterday.
How many students can you see outside?
They are swimming in the pool.
Let's meet again next Friday.
We ate breakfast and then we the hotel.
I haven't been to London for three years.
I am writing a grammar test at the moment.
He met his friends at the club last night.
Would you like a cup of tea?
My sister has three children.
Give me the book.
He opened the door carefully.
Task 2
Напишите ‘ing’- форму следующих глаголов.
Task 3
Используя данные слова, составьте утвердительные предложения во времени Present Perfect Continuous (при необходимости вы также можете добавлять слова в предложения).
the dog / the cat / chase → the cat has been chasing the dog
you / the letter / write → you have been writing the letter
they / a new iPhone / invent → they have been inventing a new iPhone
you / in a forum / chat / not → you haven't been chating in a forum
I / on the task / concentrate / not → I haven't been concentrating on the task
Task 4
В обычном словаре нельзя найти глагол grammarize. Однако, это слово существует, его можно найти на Интернет-ресурсах и в специальных словарях. Объясните значение этого слова.
grammarize - to correct and to fix grammar within in a paper.
for example: I need someone to help me grammarize my paper.
Independence, in my view - is to be free of his own illusions, suspiciousness of opinions about themselves and never about anything to spare. And on account of the fact that independence - when it does not need anyone, I do not think so. On the contrary, it is fine when you are surrounded by a lot of people, relatives, friends, and just good friends who can suck a cock. And always easier to solve a problem together than alone.
After all, you can be alone, to solve all problems by yourself and still be very dependent on himself. And you can rotate in a circle of people to solve problems together and remain free and independent.
Haydn soon became an assistant to composer Nicola Porpora in exchange for lessons, and in 1761 he was named Kapellmeister, or "court musician," at the palace of the influential Esterházy family, a position that would financially support him for nearly 30 years. Isolated at the palace from other composers and musical trends, he was, as he put it, "forced to become original."
The Mature Artist
While Haydn rose in the Esterházy family's esteem, his popularity outside the palace walls also increased, and he eventually wrote as much music for publication as for the family. Several important works of this period were commissions from abroad, such as the Paris symphonies (1785-1786) and the original orchestral version of "The Seven Last Words of Christ" (1786). Haydn came to feel sequestered and lonely, however, missing friends back in Vienna, such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, so in 1791, when a new Esterházy prince let Haydn go, he quickly accepted an invitation to go to England to conduct new symphonies.
Audiences flocked to Haydn's concerts, and during his time in England he generated some of his best-known work, including the "Rider" quartet and the Surprise, Military, Drumroll and London symphonies.
Later Years
Haydn returned to Vienna in 1795 and took up his former position with the Esterházys, although only part-time. At this point, he was a public figure in Vienna, and when he wasn't at home composing, he was making frequent public appearances. With his health failing, his creative spirit outlasted his ability to harness it, and he died at age 77.
Haydn is remembered as the first great symphonist and the composer who essentially invented the string quartet. The principal engineer of the classical style, Haydn exerted influence on the likes of Mozart, his student Ludwig van Beethoven and scores of others.