Scotland is considered to be the most romantic and beautiful part of the United Kingdom of great Britain. Despite the fact that this country is located in the North and can not offer tourists any Golden beaches or warm sea, the number of travelers who want to visit Scotland is growing every year. So why don't you join the fans of her harsh beauty and special charm! Usually, a trip to Scotland begins with its main city — Edinburgh. The Scottish capital has preserved its historical appearance, which is quite harmoniously blended with modern shopping centers and high-rise buildings. On the street you will definitely see numerous pipers, many shops with Souvenirs and beautiful historical buildings. However, it is not worth staying in Edinburgh for a long time, because there are still so many interesting things in Scotland!
1. His problem is so depressing. Can you help him?
2. I’m feeling excited.
3. I’m always really bored during the long flights.
4. My little daughter was amused by the clown.
5. Olga’s new idea was absolutely thrilled.
6. Mum! It’s so embarrassing when you show my baby photos to people.
7. That film was very boring!
8. The trip was exhausting!
9. It’s so surprising! I can’t remember this text.
10. This lesson is so interesting!
11. The airplane moved in a rather alarming way.
12. The little boy was frightened when he saw a spider.
Write questions to the sentences.
1. When this house will be sold soon?
2. How much money will be spent on rebuilding the house?
3. What winners will be given prizes?
4. What will be sent for the parents to the party?
5. When the tickets will be bought for all of us?
6. Where the pupils will be met?
7. What places they will be shown?
8. When they will be taken for lunch?
г)May Day
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