В целом все хорошо, но есть небольшие придирки, которые бы лично я исправил.
При перечислении одежды в начале, крайне неуместно написано слово balaclavas(балаклава(тканевая маска с прорезами для рта и глаз)). Я так понял, что хотелось написать про капюшон или толстовку¿ Если да, то гораздо лучше будет написать hood. Вообщем балаклава точно отпадает
И еще, может быть, я бы исправил на my mom PREFER to wear. В таких предложениях всегда лучше ставить именно prefer (предпочитать)
И,да,как было написано ниже, все зависит от требования задания и указания времени, в котором нужно писать текст.
Удачи и побольше пятерок)
1) Den stopped buying a bottle of water as it was boiling hot.
2) The child stopped to cry and looked at a toy with some sign of
3) Unfortunately, I forgot to take my umbrella with me.
4) I’ll never forget visiting Asterix Park in France.
5) After finishing his computer courses Tim went on to study
6) Ella went on writing without looking up at me.
7) I regret to tell you that we don’t have enough money to pay for the
8) I regret buying this hat. It looks a bit old-fashioned.
9) Jane means to open her own designer house.
10) Julia’s greatest wish is to get a ticket for their concert even if it means to
pay a lot of money.
11) Try to phone Jack one more time. Perhaps he doesn’t hear his
mobile phone.
12) Peter tried starting the engine, but it didn’t work.
1)What magazine are you reading? - It is a French magazine.There is good articleson sports here.Are you interested in sports? - Yes, I am but i don't know French.
2)We are having an English lesson now.
3)Does Lena usually prepare her homework at the university? - No , she doesn't. As a rule, she works at home. - And she writes an article for our wall newspaper.