I’ll say right away that starting to watch the second part of the Rio cartoon, I expected to find the inedible candy again in a beautiful wrapper. The reason for this was the impressions of the first part of the cartoon, where, against the background of a touching story, there was a lot of harmful and unacceptable in the picture, focused on children.
Поснідавши, гнат узяв сокиру і подався на двір. займався пишний січневий ранок. золотий промінь сонця перелинув зі сходу на захід, і вершечки синіх хмар зайнялись червоним полум’ям. сонце, мов здорова червона діжа, випливало з-за краю землі та обгорталось блискучими хмарками, що спалахнули від сонячного проміння, мов солома від вогню. гнат оглянув хуру дров, що привіз учора з лісу, і заходився рубати їх. стук сокири по сухому дереву далеко котився в рожевому морозному повітрі… помивши посуду після обіду та поприбиравши в хаті, настя сіла на лаві під вікном вишивати сорочку й закинула на шию червону та чорну заполоч. біле шитво вкрило її коліна. настя взялась до роботи та ще раз глянула на хату. в хаті було чисто та гарно, як у квітничку. з білих стін дивились гарні боги, заквітчані сухим зіллям, обвішані рушниками. чепурний комин білів, аж сяяв. долівка була гладенька та жовта, як віск. веселий ранішній промінь грав на полив’яних мисках, що стояли в миснику, ушиковані, як військо. настя любила свою веселу, теплу хату. в сій маленькій хатині зазнала вона щастя
Almost everyone is society has a job to do. Having work is important as it gives certain social status, pays salary and maintains self-esteem. Job can be rather rewarding. However, many people nowadays are leading hectic lifestyles. They work too much and have little breaks. This inevitably leads to stress. We often hear the word “stress” in everyday life, although it is not clear what it really is. “Stress” means pressure and tension. It is a common problem in modern life. Unfortunately, too much stress results into physical, emotional and mental health problems. The reasons for stress are numerous. It’s not only overworking or having no time for rest. Stress factors also include dangerous situations, difficulties at home, divorce, loss of close friends, etc. Changes for the better can also cause stress. For example, getting married, having a baby, moving houses, entering a university. Of course, everything depends on the way a person reacts. Experts advise not to worry too much and stay calm in any situation. It is very important to try to avoid stress or at least to minimize it. When noticed on early stages, it can be fixed easier. One of the best ways to fight stress is to keep a sense of humor in difficult situations. Even doctors agree that laughter is the best medicine for all diseases. Other ways to cope with stress include regular leisure activities and interesting hobbies. If someone feels depressed, a good solution is taking up yoga classes or swimming, bicycling, knitting, gardening, painting, etc. Anything, that can help a person to relax and get a new lease on life, is considered to be helpful.
I’ll say right away that starting to watch the second part of the Rio cartoon, I expected to find the inedible candy again in a beautiful wrapper. The reason for this was the impressions of the first part of the cartoon, where, against the background of a touching story, there was a lot of harmful and unacceptable in the picture, focused on children.