Present Perfect:
1. I have seen that film.
2. My sister has bought a new bag.
3. I have lost my phone with my headphones.
4. My older brother has written a really interesting book.
5. Paul has worked as a waiter with me.
Present Continuous passive:
1. Sweets were being done by my mum.
2. This man was being killed by fast food.
Present Perfect Passive:
1. I have been sacked from my job!
2. Only plane has been delayed because of bad weather.
Present Simple Passive:
1. My car is insured against accident and theft.
2. You are covered in paint.
Past Simple Passive:
1. The door was locked so I couldn't open it.
2. The paintings were sold for ten million dollars.
1. To feel as safe as houses is a solid bedrock through the ups and falls of the economy.
2. 'Got on like a house on fire,' he answered quickly.
3. A Home from Home is the very best of Veronica Henry's storytelling.
4. I've just got one more report to write and I'll be home and dry.
5. Are you trying to drive me crazy?
6. I can't stand to cook for the holidays.
7. Well, I can tidy up, if you want.
1) Чувствовать себя в безопасности, как дома, - это прочный фундамент в периоды взлетов и падений экономики.
2) «Загорелся, как дом в огне», - быстро ответил он.
3) «Дом вдали от дома» - лучшее из повествования Вероники Генри.
4) Мне нужно написать еще один отчет, и я буду дома сушиться.
5) Ты меня с ума свести хочешь?
6) Терпеть не могу готовить на праздники.
7) Ну, я могу прибраться, если хочешь.
Не за что✔