1) — What are you doing at about 9 o’clock tonight? — I don't know yet. 2) — What are you thinking about? — My brother. I often think about him these days. 3) — Are you flying to the sea or going there by train? — I'm flying; my flight is tomorrow morning. 4) — It’s five p.m. Where is John? He always comes home about this time. — I think he's working in the library. He's having a test tomorrow. 5) — Usually Mary doesn't make mistakes in her spelling, but her yesterday’s quiz was rather bad. --Was it? Does she know the result? If she does, I’m sure she is learning the words at the moment.
Английский язык: Hi dear friend!How are you?How are you doing?In this letter I will tell you about the food in Belarussii.Food in Belarus I liked its variety and taste.The food itself is very flavorful and very very tasty!Most of all I liked the dish called Kulaga,is a dessert.Oh...That came my letter to you by the end. With high regards, Your friend. Перевод: Привет дорогой друг!Как ты?Как твои дела?В этом письме я расскажу тебе о еде в Белеруссии.Еда в Белоруссии мне понравилась своим разнообразием и вкусом.Сама еда очень ароматная и очень-очень вкусная!Больше всего мне понравилось блюдо под названием кулага,это такой десерт.Ох...Вот и подошло моё письмо тебе к концу. С наилудшими пожеланиями, Твой друг.