Spotted hyena
In spotted hyenas, yellowish-gray hair, covered with dark brown or black spots, seems to be constantly disheveled. Hyenas have powerful black legs that end in blunt claws. The hyena's black nose serves as a sensitive organ of one of the most important senses for a hyena - smell. All hyenas see fairly well in the dark and in the light. Spotted hyenas have a sloping back line. The head of a hyena is quite similar to that of a large dog. The tip of the muzzle is dark. Feline hyenas. Life expectancy is 20 years.
2. happy (счастливый)
3. wonder (чудо)
4. speedy (быстрый)
5. greediness (жадность)
6. friendly (дружелюбный)
7. dangerous (опасный)
8. tradition (традиция)
9. scientific (научный)
10. illness (болезнь)
11. true (истинный, верный)
12. professional (профессиональный)
13. busy (занятой)
14. health (здоровье)
2. invitation (приглашение)
3. discuss (обсуждать)
4. appearance (появление, внешний вид)
5. organization (организация)
6. relaxation (расслабление)
7. compete (соревноваться)
8. invention (изобретение)