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Name the odd word out in each line 1. fishing, sewing, hiking, term 2. entertainment, shame, hobby, leisure 3. stylish, aerobics, gardening, knitting 4. embroidery, colecting, incident, sewing 5. education, hiking, gardening, fishing 6. to be fond of, to enjoy, to like, forehead 7. coin, lable, generous, stamp


1. fishing, sewing, hiking, term

2. entertainment, shame, hobby, leisure

3. stylish, aerobics, gardening, knitting

4. embroidery, colecting, incident, sewing

5. education, hiking, gardening, fishing

6. to be fond of, to enjoy, to like, forehead

7. coin, lable, generous, stamp

4,5(51 оценок)
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Choose the right variant of Present Continuous. She can’t come to the phone now. She …. a shower.
The correct answer is "is having". Present Continuous is used to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking. In this sentence, the action of taking a shower is happening right now.

Choose the right variant. Traditional Kazakh … revolves around mutton and horse meat as well as various milk products.
The correct answer is "cuisine". Cuisine refers to the style of cooking and the food traditions of a particular country or region. In this sentence, it is talking about the traditional food of Kazakhstan.

Choose the right variant. Maria cleaned the kitchen I did the bathroom.
The correct answer is "while". "While" is used to indicate that two actions are happening at the same time. In this sentence, Maria cleaned the kitchen while the speaker did the bathroom.

Choose the right variant. He opened the door I touched the handle.
The correct answer is "first of all". "First of all" is used to indicate that an action happened before any other action. In this sentence, opening the door happened before touching the handle.

Choose the right variant. I aerobics.
The correct answer is "do". "Do" is used with activities and exercises. In this sentence, "I do aerobics" means that the speaker regularly participates in aerobics.

Choose the right variant. He’s developed to cats. He starts sneezing as soon as he comes near one.
The correct answer is "an allergy". An allergy is a reaction to something, such as cats, that causes symptoms like sneezing. In this sentence, the speaker is saying that he developed an allergy to cats.

Choose the right variant of Present Simple. She to the gym three times a week.
The correct answer is "goes". Present Simple is used to talk about regular actions and routines. In this sentence, the speaker is saying that she goes to the gym three times a week.

Choose the correct variant: We… each other since we were children.
The correct answer is "have known". "Have known" is the present perfect tense, used to talk about actions that started in the past and continue to the present. In this sentence, the speaker is saying that they have known each other since they were children.

Choose the correct variant. A ‘?’. B ‘Tomorrow. My flight is in the morning’.
The correct answer is "When are you going to leave?". This is a question about future plans. In this dialogue, B is answering A's question about when they are going to leave.

Choose the right variant in Past Simple. They ___ last year.
The correct answer is "got married". Past Simple is used to talk about completed actions in the past. In this sentence, they got married is the correct past tense form.

Choose the correct variant. I won’t anybody where you are. I promise you!
The correct answer is "tell". This sentence is talking about not revealing or sharing information about someone's location. The correct verb for this is "tell".

Choose the right variant in Past Continuous. Peter picked up the tickets when Sarah a siesta.
The correct answer is "was having". Past Continuous is used to talk about actions that were happening in the past at a specific time or during another action. In this sentence, Sarah was having a siesta at the same time Peter picked up the tickets.

Choose the correct variant. I was probably very ………., and in a way selfish, because I did everything myself.
The correct answer is "bossy". "Bossy" means telling people what to do in a domineering way. In this sentence, the speaker is admitting to being bossy in the past.

Choose the right variant. Football player is in a position to put the ball into the net and score a .
The correct answer is "goal". A "goal" is when a player succeeds in putting the ball into the opponent's net and scores a point in football.

Choose the correct variant. Your husband’s mother is your …………...
The correct answer is "mother-in-law". Mother-in-law refers to the mother of one's spouse. In this sentence, it is talking about the relationship between someone's husband's mother and themselves.

Choose the right variant. He says he’s got the flu, but it’s really just a cold. He’s coughing a lot at night.
The correct answer is "coughing". The verb "coughing" describes the action of experiencing coughs. In this sentence, it is describing the symptom the person is experiencing.

Choose the right variant. ‘An apple a day keeps the away.’
The correct answer is "doctor". This proverb means that eating an apple every day can help keep a person healthy and avoid visits to the doctor.

Choose the correct variant. You look as if you … just …up.
The correct answer is "have woken". This sentence is talking about a recent action, and "have woken" is the correct present perfect tense to describe that action.

Complete the proverb: Money has no …
The correct answer is "smell". This means that money does not have a particular smell. It is an idiomatic expression to imply that money does not have any inherent qualities.

Choose the correct word for the given definition: - to get money after the death of a close relative-
The correct answer is "inherit". To inherit means to receive money or property from someone who has died, usually a close relative.
4,5(62 оценок)
Давайте решим эту задачу по шагам:

1. В первом предложении нам нужно найти слово, которое подходит по смыслу и грамматически к предложению. Мы говорим о созданиях с длинными шеями и спинами, которые обычно описываются в описаниях озерных монстров. Поэтому правильный ответ: "humped".

2. Во втором предложении речь идет о старинных замках, которые очень популярны в Британии. Здесь нужно выбрать слово, которое подходит по значению и является правильным по грамматике. Правильный ответ: "sights".

3. В третьем предложении нам нужно выбрать слово, которое подходит по смыслу и грамматике. Речь идет о том, что произошло с динозавром, и он все еще жив. Мы можем сказать, что он "выжил", поэтому правильный ответ: "survived".

4. В четвертом предложении нам нужно выбрать слово, которое подходит по смыслу и грамматике. Рассказывая о любимых историях Энны, мы говорим о драконах, великанах и других созданиях. Правильный ответ: "mythical".

5. В пятом предложении речь идет о нечто необычном, замеченном исследовательской группой в районе. Мы можем использовать слово, описывающее заметное обнаружение, поэтому правильный ответ: "corridor".

6. В шестом предложении нужно выбрать слово, которое подходит по смыслу и грамматике. Мы говорим о кошмаре, который у Андрея был ужасающим, и в котором к нему приближалось трехглавое существо, но он не мог двигаться. Правильный ответ: "horrifying".

7. В седьмом предложении речь идет о том, может ли волшебник действительно сделать человека исчезнуть или это всего лишь оптическая. Мы говорим о том, что это может быть видимостью, которая обманчива или иллюзорна. Правильный ответ: "illusion".

Надеюсь, эти подробные пошаговые объяснения помогут вам понять каждое решение. Если у вас есть еще вопросы, пожалуйста, спросите!
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