Много - много лет назад, когда я был еще совсем маленький и не ходил в школу, мне подарили велосипед. Впервые увидев двухколесное чудо, эмоции просто переполнили меня. Мне очень хотелось прокатиться на нем и я с нетерпением ждал того момента, когда родители меня пустят гулять.
И вот, наконец, настал тот час, когда вся моя семья собралась в парке, который находился неподалеку от дома. Папа настаивал на своей но я стойко отказывался. Мне казалось, что управлять велосипедом очень просто, тем более, что езда на трехколесном давалась мне легко, я никогда на нем не падал. К своему удивлению, кое-как забравшись на сиденье и дотянувшись до педалей, я упал. Мне стало обидно до слез. Увидев это, ко мне подошла мама и успокоила, сказав, что тоже не раз падала, когда училась кататься на велосипеде. Успокоившись и оседлав своего железного коня в очередной раз, я уже не отказывался от взрослых. Спустя несколько минут, под руководством папы, я проехал свои первые незабываемые метры на велосипеде.
Вскоре, после ежедневных тренировок я летал верхом на двухколесном друге уже наравне с дворовыми ребятами. С тех пор, ни один летний день не проходит без велосипеда. Он - незаменимый для дальних поездок, или просто для прогулок по парку с друзьями.
Many, many years ago, when I was very young and did not go to school, I was given a Bicycle. For the first time seeing two-wheeled wonder, the emotions just overwhelmed me. I really wanted to ride it and I was looking forward to the moment when my parents let me walk.
And then, finally, came the hour when my whole family gathered in the Park, which was near the house. Dad insisted on helping me, but I refused. It seemed to me that to control the bike very easy, especially since riding a tricycle been easy for me, I never fell. To his surprise, somehow he climbed on the seat and reaching to the pedals, I fell. I was hurt to tears. Seeing this, my mother came to me and calmed me down, saying that she also fell more than once when she learned to ride a Bicycle. Calming down and riding the iron horse again, I was refused assistance from adults. A few minutes later, under the leadership of the Pope, I passed my memorable first meters on the bike.
Shortly after the daily training I flew astride a two-wheeled friend is on par with the courtyard kids. Since then, no summer day does not pass without a bike. He is an indispensable assistant for long trips, or just for walks in the Park with friends.
Daniel Defoe ; birth name Daniel Foe; around 1660 , the area of Cripplegate , London - April 24, 1731 , the district Moorfields , London ) - British writer and journalist , known primarily as the author of " Robinson Crusoe ." Defoe is considered one of the first proponents of the novel as a genre . He helped popularize the genre in the UK , and some consider it one of the founders of the English novel . Defoe - a prolific and diverse writer, he wrote more than 500 books, pamphlets and journals on various topics (politics, economy, crime , religion , marriage , psychology, supernatural , etc.). He was also the founder of economic journalism . In journalism promoted bourgeois sanity, defended religious tolerance and freedom of speech. In the continuation of the novel Robinson Crusoe , who does not know Russian-speaking reader , Defoe described his adventures in the Great Tartary and states located on its land - China and the Russian Empire ( Muscovy ) , as well as the life and customs of its peoples - Chinese, Tatars and Russian ( Siberian ) Cossacks. Born into a family myasotorgovtsa James Presbyterian Fo (1630-1712) , but from ecclesiastical career was forced to abandon because sinful. After graduating Nyuingtonskuyu Academy , where he studied Greek and Latin and classical literature , became a clerk in a wholesale stocking merchant. Commercial Court was often in Spain, Portugal and France, where he got acquainted with life in Europe and improved languages. Received spiritual education. Subsequently, he was at one time the owner of the hosiery production first , and then manage , and then owner of a large brick-tile factory, but broke. Overall Defoe was entrepreneurial businessman with an adventurous streak - the type common in that era. He was also one of the most active politicians of his time. A talented writer, pamphleteer and publisher, he is not taking no official state position (he was head of the British intelligence services ) , at one time had a major influence on the king and the government .
Много - много лет назад, когда я был еще совсем маленький и не ходил в школу, мне подарили велосипед. Впервые увидев двухколесное чудо, эмоции просто переполнили меня. Мне очень хотелось прокатиться на нем и я с нетерпением ждал того момента, когда родители меня пустят гулять.
И вот, наконец, настал тот час, когда вся моя семья собралась в парке, который находился неподалеку от дома. Папа настаивал на своей но я стойко отказывался. Мне казалось, что управлять велосипедом очень просто, тем более, что езда на трехколесном давалась мне легко, я никогда на нем не падал. К своему удивлению, кое-как забравшись на сиденье и дотянувшись до педалей, я упал. Мне стало обидно до слез. Увидев это, ко мне подошла мама и успокоила, сказав, что тоже не раз падала, когда училась кататься на велосипеде. Успокоившись и оседлав своего железного коня в очередной раз, я уже не отказывался от взрослых. Спустя несколько минут, под руководством папы, я проехал свои первые незабываемые метры на велосипеде.
Вскоре, после ежедневных тренировок я летал верхом на двухколесном друге уже наравне с дворовыми ребятами. С тех пор, ни один летний день не проходит без велосипеда. Он - незаменимый для дальних поездок, или просто для прогулок по парку с друзьями.
Many, many years ago, when I was very young and did not go to school, I was given a Bicycle. For the first time seeing two-wheeled wonder, the emotions just overwhelmed me. I really wanted to ride it and I was looking forward to the moment when my parents let me walk.
And then, finally, came the hour when my whole family gathered in the Park, which was near the house. Dad insisted on helping me, but I refused. It seemed to me that to control the bike very easy, especially since riding a tricycle been easy for me, I never fell. To his surprise, somehow he climbed on the seat and reaching to the pedals, I fell. I was hurt to tears. Seeing this, my mother came to me and calmed me down, saying that she also fell more than once when she learned to ride a Bicycle. Calming down and riding the iron horse again, I was refused assistance from adults. A few minutes later, under the leadership of the Pope, I passed my memorable first meters on the bike.
Shortly after the daily training I flew astride a two-wheeled friend is on par with the courtyard kids. Since then, no summer day does not pass without a bike. He is an indispensable assistant for long trips, or just for walks in the Park with friends.