to notice – замечать, to observe – наблюдать,
to feel – чувствовать, to hear – слышать и другие).
После этих глаголов мы ставим инфинитив без частицы «to». 2) С глаголами, выражающими желание и потребность
• to want – хотеть, • to wish/to desire – желать, • to like – нравиться, • should/would like – хотел бы)2. Didn't miss
3. Did you like, I did
4. Did you watch
5. answered
6. didn't
7. Если вопросительная форма, то Did your friends, если утвердительное, то Your ...
8. didn't cook, cooked
9. How many questions did they ask?
10. love
Past simple.
Утвердительное предложение образуется постановкой глагола во второй форме, либо если глагол правильный, то добавлением к глаголу окончания -ed.
Отрицательная форма строится Didn't + глагол в первой форме.
Вопросительная форма строится Did + глагол в первой форме.
1. My MP3 player costs $100 and yours costs $100, too. Your
MP3 player costs as much as mine.
2. My mobile is bigger than yours. Your mobile is not as big as mine.
3. You are busier than me. I’m not .as busy as you (are).
4. The exhibition in Moscow was larger than the exhibition in
Ekaterinburg. The exhibition in Ekaterinburg was not as big as the one in Moscow.
5. Her message was more important than his. His message was not as important as hers.
6. The Friday meeting was long and interesting. The Saturday
meeting was long and interesting too. The Friday meeting was as long and interesting as the one on Saturday.