Approximately 82 percent of parents globally think that their teen children are dressing inappropriately for their age, one- third of parents have said that they find it difficult finding appropriate fashionable clothing for their kids. As a parent, you need to help your kids when it comes to choosing the kind of clothes they are interested in wearing.
Long ago the only option you had for shopping for clothes was to go to the physical shops and malls. Nowadays, there is a far much better option for shopping for clothes for your teenage kids. You can opt to shop online for the clothing of both your children and yourself. Various websites offer teenage clothes for teens, an example of such a site is TeenzShop. There are various benefits for shopping online as compared to shopping in a physical shop. In this article, we discuss some of the top reasons to shop online.
Convenience. Unlike shopping in a physical shop, shopping online is convenient. The reason behind this is because while shopping online, you don’t need to get all dressed up and drive to your favorite store. You can easily find the clothing that you are interested in, purchase the clothing from an online website while still in your pajamas. Buying things online is also convenient because you will not need to wait for the stores to open. If you are a person who is always busy, then online shopping can come in handy because while you shop online, you will not hurt or affect your schedule.
Fewer TrapsPhysical stores tend to lure someone to purchase more clothing than they had planned to buy. This is because, most physical stores business people will use posters, colors, sales messages, or even product placement to attract and lure you to buy additional items. If you are shopping with your kids, they may get tempted to buy more clothing, and as a parent, you may be at a disadvantage.
My favourite English writer is William Shakespeare, one of the most outstanding personalities in the world literature.
William Shakespeare was bom in Stratford-upon-Avon not far from London. His father, John Shakespeare, came to Stratford from a village and opened a shop there. He never became a rich man but at one time he was an important official in the city. William Shakespeare lived in Stratford until he was twenty-one. He got married and had three children. At the age of 21 William left Stratford for London to join a company of actors. He was a very good actor and an excellent playwright. William Shakespeare lived and worked in London for 25 years. By the end of the 16th century William Shakespeare and his friends had enough money to build their own theatre - the Globe.
In all Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, 2 long poems, a sonnet cycle of 155 small pieces.
William Shakespeare had a natural gift for comedy. In his comedies Two Gentlemen of Verona, As you Like It, The Twelfth Night William Shakespeare describes the adventures of young men and women, their love, friendship, happiness.
Shakespeare's tragedies King Lear, Othello, Romeo and Juliet depict noblemen who opposed evil in the world. Since they were written there has never been a time when at least some of Shakespeare's plays were not staged.
Вильям Шекспир
Мой любимый английский писатель - Вильям Шекспир, одна из наиболее выдающихся личностей в мировой литературе.
Вильям Шекспир родился в Стрэтфорде-на-Эйвоне, недалеко от Лондона. Его отец, Джон Шекспир, приехал в Стрэтфорд из деревни и открыл там магазин. Он не стал богатым человеком, но одно время был важным чиновником в городе. Вильям Шекспир жил в Стрэтфорде до тех пор, пока ему исполнился 21 год. Он женился, и у него было трое детей. В возрасте 21-го года Вильям уехал из Стрэтфорда в Лондон и присоединился к актерской труппе. Он был хорошим актером и прекрасным драматургом.
Вильям Шекспир жил и работал в Лондоне 25 лет. К концу XVI века Вильям Шекспир и его друзья заработали достаточно денег, чтобы построить свой собственный театр Глобус.
Всего Шекспир написал 37 пьес, 2 поэмы и цикл сонетов, состоящий из 155 произведений.
У Вильяма Шекспира был природный талант комедиографа. В своих комедиях Два веронца, Как вам это нравится, Двенадцатая ночь Вильям Шекспир описывал приключения юношей и девушек, их любовь, дружбу, счастье.
В трагедиях Король Лир, Отелло, Ромео и Джульетта Шекспир изображает дворян, противостоящих мировому злу. С тех пор как они были написаны, не было такого времени, когда хотя бы некоторые пьесы Шекспира не ставились.