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03.03.2021 16:33 •  Английский язык

5. translate the sentences from russian into english. 1. брауны пекли пирог вчера утром, когда я вам позвонила. 2. на вчерашней вечеринке я была одета в великолепное зеленое платье. 3. мы всей семье сейчас смотрим по тв соревнования лыжников. 4. папа сейчас делает утреннюю зарядку и не может говорить по телефону. 5. в 5 вечера вчера я прогуливался в парке с моей собачкой и встретил друзей. 6. я не могу позвать мэри к телефону, она мне мыть посуду. 7. утром все дети сидели на уроке , но только майк в это время спал дома. 8. кто сейчас играет офелию в «гамлете»? - в пьесе играет молодая актриса. 9. мы плавали вчера в бассейне 3 часа днем с 5 до 8. 10. что вы вчера покупали на рынке так долго?


1. The Browns were baking a pie yesterday morning when I rang.

2. At yesterday's party, I was wearing a gorgeous green dress.

3. The whole family we are watching the competition skiers on TV.

4. Dad is doing morning exercises now and can't talk on the phone.

5. At 5 pm yesterday, I was walking in the park with my dog and met friends.

6. I can not call Mary to the phone, she is helping me to wash the dishes.

7. In the morning, all the children were sitting in a math lesson, but only Mike was sleeping at home at this time.

8. Who is playing Ophelia in Hamlet? - A young actress is acting in the play now.

9. We were swimming in the pool yesterday 3 hours a day from 5 ещ 8.

10. What were you buying in the market for so long yesterday?

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The scientist is not a profession, the scientist is a calling. Many researchers are engaged many years in something concrete to receive a scientific degree and this attracting rank "scientist".

The first that it is necessary to make on a way to scientific community to become the scientist, it to be defined, in which area you will be able to reach the best results. There is no sense to achieve something in physics if you always pulled to mathematics, even in spite of the fact that you in the physicist - the genius. Choose that to you to liking!
If you always knew what you understand, begin deep studying of this subject. For this purpose you can enter the university or academy on faculty interesting you. Surely visit occupations and participate in various conferences.
You have to understand that there are fans, and there are scientists - those who knows slightly more. Don't pass interesting forums, seminars. It will help you to broaden horizons and, probably, to decide on a subject of the research works. After all you will need to protect not only the final qualification work, but also the thesis.
As to the scientist, you it is also necessary to make a contribution to science - for this purpose it is possible to publish the scientific articles, to speak at the international conferences, to cooperate with other scientists, professors, doctors.
Be improved as the personality, develop the abilities, constantly study something new, and it not necessarily has to be from your sphere of studying.

If you set to yourselves the purpose to become the scientist and to reach the most important heights, act.

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The concept of «dress-code» is not the only major companies or inspirational night clubs, but in the big sports. The participants of the competition must be in a form. Question - in what. For example, the European chess Union recently «tightened» dress codes for Grand masters of the beautiful sex. And the international Federation of volleyball on the current week allowed the beach variations of this sport instead of the usual mini-bikini wear shorts just above the knee and t-shirts. «NOR» studied the topic of sports and unsportsmanlike the dress code.

For lovers of beach volleyball, especially women, immediately notify: to abandon the bikini in the sport are not going to. The new rules of the equipment adopted for the countries where there are restrictions in the women's clothing on религиознам reasons. All the rest can still feel the sand courts more or less freely. But as for chess, there really decided to «extend» skirts and «downgrading» neck " as of now, regardless of the temperature in the tournament room athletes allowed to unbutton a maximum of two buttons on the blouses and dresses. The shoes are encouraged strict shoes, including at the hairpin, but are prohibited by the Vietnamese and other beach options. Sunglasses are permitted, but hats, except for the religious, no. It is prohibited bright and causing the clothing as well as accessories. Not only the participants, but also among the audience. Нарушительниц dress code judge now has the right to change, and if this is without effect, and may include technical defeat...

The reason for the introduction of more stringent rules of the equipment of a number of incidents, when the women came to the games room in the garment, more suitable not for competition of intellects, and in the evening of acquaintances. Naturally, the audience was not up to the chess...

The desire of the European chess officials to make their athletes gray arms is contrary to the now fashionable idea popularization of the ancient games. Including at the expense of beautiful grandmasters, which is a show that apart from the gambit. But in the European chess Union of such reproaches dismiss " dress code applies only to the tournament room and not to the things that go athletes outside its walls. By the way, all the charm of the new restrictions have already experienced the participants of the March of the championship of Europe, which was held in the Turkish city of Gaziantep. The first pancake, it seems, was successful. In any case, at the ceremony of awarding the winners were in skirts and dresses, the length of which is clearly not adequate to put «no more than 10 centimeters above the knees».

In terms of dress code apart in the world of sport is tennis. Once all the masters of racket played only in white. And only in the 80-ies of the last century became boldly experiment with colors and patterns. Moreover, and here in the fashionable mini. Although the Wimbledon tournament and to this day adheres to conservative views on the equipment. At the most prestigious tournament of «the Big helmet» operates a strict dress code that requires athletes dressed only in white tone. Restrictions do not concern only small accessories - logos or bandages. The main form for men are white t-shirts and shorts, although slight easing allowed. For example, Spaniard Rafael Nadal a few years ago brought his own style - shirt with the sleeves cut off and «pirate pants, and organizers of Wimbledon found it acceptable.
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