A. Homework
School inspectors have found that, contrary to all (0) expectations children don't (1) DISLIKE homework at all. In fact, many do more than their teachers suggest, either because of (2) ANXIETY about their marks or simply for (3) ENJOYMENT. The inspectors' findings add to the evidence of the (4) POWERFUL beneficial effects of homework on pupils' (5) ACHIEVEMENTS.
The inspectors also recommend the (6) INTRODUCTION of "homework charters". These tell parents and children how much (7) ADDITIONAL work is expected and provide (8) ENCOURAGEMENT to schools to form links with parents who can check that tasks are (9) PROPERLY completed. International (10) COMPARISONS suggest that a typical 14-year-old does 6 hours homework in Britain, 8 hours in Italy, and almost 9 hours in Hungary, Japan and Poland.
Vitus Jonassen Bering, also known as Ivan Ivanovich Bering, was born in August 1681, in Horsens, Denmark. He was a Danish map-maker and explorer in Russian service, and an officer in the Russian Navy. Bering is known for exploration of the Bering Strait and Alaska.
Vitus Bering was the captain of the First Kamchatka Expedition and the Great Northern Expedition. In July 1728 Bering set sail from the Siberian peninsula of Kamchatka and in August passed through the Bering Strait into the Arctic Ocean. In spite of the bad weather he concluded that Siberia and America were not joined.
During the reign of Empress Anna, in 1741, Bering's expidition mapped much of the Arctic coast of Siberia. Bering sailed into the Gulf of Alaska and explored the southwestern coast, the Alaska Peninsula, and the Aleutian Islands. He died in December, 1741, on Bering Island, near the Kamchatka Peninsula.
The Bering Strait, the Bering Sea, Bering Island, the Bering Glacier and the Bering Land Bridge were all named in his honor.
Витус Йонассен Беринг, также известный как Иван Иванович Беринг, родился в августе 1681 года в городе Хорсенс, в Дании. Он был датским картографом и исследователем на службе в России и офицером военно-морского флота России. Беринг известен как исследователь Берингова пролива и Аляски.
Витус Беринг был капитаном Первой Камчатской Экспедиции и Великой Северной Экспедиции. В июле 1728 года Беринг отплыл от Сибирского полуострова на Камчатку и в августе через Берингов пролив в Северный Ледовитый океан. Несмотря на плохую погоду, он пришел к выводу, что Сибирь и Америка не соединяются.
Во время правления императрицы Анны, в 1741 году, экспедиция Беринга нанесла на карту большую часть арктического побережья Сибири. Беринг отправился в залив Аляска и разведал юго-западное побережье, полуостров Аляска и Алеутские острова. Он умер в декабре 1741 года на острове Беринга, недалеко от Камчатского полуострова.
В его честь были названы Берингов пролив, Берингово море, остров Беринга, ледник Беринга и заповедник Беринг-Лэнд-Бридж.