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Interpol is an international corporation founded in 1923 as a service organization devoted to coordinating actions against international criminals. its clients are 174 agencies throughout the world. this organization is not under the control or supervision of any government. interpol is a recognized intergovernmental police force whose task is to hunt down the international criminal. a multinational force, much like the united nations, interpol is made up of police of the free world and a bona fide law enforcement agency in its own right. among the first to fight international terrorism and sky-jackings, interpol still leads the war on narcotics, assists a number of nations in the continuing search for wanted nazi war criminals. one of the most highly respected groups in the world, interpol, like any other police force is under governmental control to safeguard the basic rights of every citizen. it operates according to a strict code of behaviour and adheres to the highest ethical standards. interpol has never been recognized or established by any international charter or treaty and has no police powers. because of interpol’s cooperation with the un particularly in the area of drugs, interpol was recognized as an intergovernmental organization. interpol members are, for the most part, police and not governmental representatives, although certain governments have sent observes from their military, intelligence, customs, post office, and immigration departments. interpol does not have powers of arrest or any investigative rights. its function is to disseminate information. today 80 percent of the permanent staff is french. interpol is much like any large corporation with bureaus in various countries and with representatives from these offices also stationed at the main office. information is exchanged between the many national bureaus, but the police forces themselves are subject to the laws and policies of their respective nations. 1)разделите текст на логические части 2)дайте краткое содержание каждой части в 1-2 предложения

Dear Maurice,
How are you doing? I hope (1) (you / do well). Recently (2) (I / think) about you and your family a lot. Even though (3) (I / find) many new friends here, I still miss you. I’m sorry I haven’t called you in a long time, but (4) (I / be busy). (5) (I / play) more soccer lately, and (6) (it / take up) a lot of my time. (7) (I / not / even / sleep) much recently, because there is so much to do. My French (8) (get better) but it’s still not as good as yours. But (9) (I / learn) a lot of new words and I think you would be proud of me! Well, give Bucky a big hug for me! (10) (I / see) many dogs in my new neighbourhood but none of them (11) (be) as cute as him! Tell your parents (12) (I / shop) for them and (13) (I / buy) them a nice gift. (14) (I / keep an eye) out for things they might like. Can’t wait to see you again!
All the best,
4,7(13 оценок)
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In our city there are many streets, boulevards, avenues, many of which are named after prominent figures of the past or present. Agree, because sometimes it happens that we pass by, work or even live on a street named after such a person, but sometimes we know absolutely nothing about him, his life and activities, and why this street or Avenue was named after this person.

To know about the people whose names the streets of the city are named after means to remember those who glorified our city, region, our country, and therefore means: to know the history and culture of your region, your homeland.

This page of the site contains information about those people whose names are the streets of Kemerovo. These are people who have done a lot not only for our city, but for the whole of Russia. These are participants in wars, statesmen, military leaders, doctors, scientists, business leaders and many others whose courage, intelligence, dedication and work have made them an example for new generations of people.


В нашем городе есть множество улиц, бульваров, проспектов, многие из которых названы в честь видных деятелей или современности. Согласитесь, ведь иногда бывает, что мы проходим мимо, работаем или даже живем на улице, названной в честь, такого человека, но, порой, совершенно ничего не знаем о нем, его жизни и деятельности, и почему именно в честь этого человека была названа эта улица или проспект.

Знать о людях, именами которых названы улицы города, значит помнить тех, кто прославил наш город, область, нашу страну, и потому означает: знать историю, культуру своего края, своей Родины.

На этой странице сайта собрана информация о тех людях, чьи имена носят улицы города Кемерово. Это люди, которые сделали много не только для нашего города, но и для всей России. Это участники войн, государственные деятели, полководцы, врачи, ученые, руководители предприятий и многие другие, чье мужество, ум, самоотдача и труд сделали их примером для новых поколений людей.

4,8(56 оценок)
Walked last night to one of the local supermarkets. In front of me is a married couple with a child. A man all of himself ambal, in short, a really brutal type.
  They, just like me, are walking along the shopping hall slowly, and their boy is running with curiosity and interest from the counter to the counter. Suddenly he stops at the stand with DVDs and literally on the whole department as he screams:
  - ABOUT! Smurfs!
  Then even louder:
  - ABOUT! Fixiks!
  Passing by his father immediately slips him on the back of his head and, without stopping, explains:
  "Throw this shit out of your head!" You're a man!
  - Seryozha! - his wife is indignant.
  - Well, what of the fact that I'm Serge? - still the same calm and unperturbed tone continues father. "I also love Smurfs, but I do not twist about this for the whole store!"
  And, after a pause, he added:
  - A real man should be able to hide his emotions!


Прогуливался вчера вечером по одному из местных супермаркетов. Передо мной идёт семейная пара с ребёнком. Мужик весь из себя амбал, короче, реально брутальный тип.

Они так же, как и я, идут по торговому залу не спеша, а их пацан с любопытством и интересом бегает от прилавка к прилавку. Вдруг он останавливается у стенда с DVD-дисками и буквально на весь отдел как завизжит:

- О! Смурфики!

После чего ещё громче:

- О! Фиксики!

Проходящий мимо него отец немедленно отвешивает ему подзатыльник и, не останавливаясь, поясняет:

- Выбрось эту дурь из головы! Ты же мужик!

- Серёжа! - возмущается его супруга.

- Ну, что из того, что я Серёжа? - всё тем же спокойным и невозмутимым тоном продолжает папаша. - Я тоже люблю Смурфиков, но я же не верещу об этом на весь магазин!

И, сделав паузу, добавил:

- Настоящий мужик должен уметь скрывать свои эмоции!

4,5(2 оценок)
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