the weather forecast for March 31 is expected to be rainy. In Artyom today the temperature is cloudy during the day is +6, and at night -5
In Vladivostok, partly cloudy temperatures are + 6 during the day and -6 during the night. In Arsenyev, the temperature is cloudy during the day and +6 when it is -7 at night. In the Big Stone, a small snow temperature during the day is +2, and at night it is -6. In Ussuriysk sleet temperature during the day +3 at night -6. In a find today cloudy temperature in the afternoon +2 at night -2. In Dalnegorsk, the temperature is cloudy during the daytime 0 at night -6. In Spassk-Far, cloudy temperatures are +4 at night during the day. In Dalnerechensk, today the temperature is cloudy during the day is +5 at night -5. In Partizansk snow temperature during the day is +4 at night -6. In Lesozavodsk, the temperature during the day is +5 at night -7. In Fokino, snow temperatures are +6 at night -4
1. I was listening to the radio while Mary was cooking dinner
2. Did you buy this book yesterday?
3. Last Friday Jill went home early because she wanted to see a film
4. When does you brother usually get home in the evening?
5. Jane always brings us a nice present
6. What are those people doing in the middle of the road?
7. Did you read this book?
8. While Fred was sleeping , Judy was watching Tv
9. When I was young I thought Mary was nice - but now I think she’s fantastic
10. Jill was walking home when she saw her husbands car outside the cinema
11. Look there! Sue and Tim are running to school
12. Jacks father isnt working in London - he doesn’t speak English
13. Joe bought a car yesterday
14. Their father often went to rock concerts
15. While you were sleeping mother arrived