На завтра нужно нужно написать несколько речень как я провела ети зимние канікули с словами : on holidays , later , after that ,then , at lost 4-5 речень
On this holiday in winter l rode a lot on sleds, and while we went to study skiing it was fun. After that l sit on house and drink a tea. Then l and my friends were playing at the snowballs. That were my best winter holidays.
Japan - a country made up of islands. The closest to Asia - Kyushu before him 200 kilometers. In ancient times, there can only be reached by boat. Since it's the people began settling the islands of Mongoloid origin. People settled in small groups, mostly along the coast and along the rivers. Lived in very simple dwellings; even the rulers lived in thatched houses, where the pillars and beams fastened with ropes of vines. The main food was rice, from which were able to produce and vodka - sake. Japanese knew spinning and weaving, mulberry cultivated for razvedeniyaSamy big island of Japan - Honshu. Since the beginning of our era, he gradually settled by natives of Korea, and then China. They love the mild climate of the plains, the abundance of flowers and trees, soil fertility. They brought with them new skills, tools, crops, decorations, writing. Gradually more and less ancient settlers on the island were mixed into a single nation.
1. He has been writing the novel for three years. 2. We have been waiting for a long time. 3. It has been raining since morning. 4. She has been working very hard of late (of late – последнее время) 5. We have been watching television since they left. 6. I have been playing tennis since morning. 7. He has been living abroad for five years. 8. I have been translating this article since morning. 9. She has been teaching English since 2012. 10. He has been learning French since his school. 11. I have been driving my car since Tuesday. 12. She has been subscribing to this paper for a long time.
On this holiday in winter l rode a lot on sleds, and while we went to study skiing it was fun. After that l sit on house and drink a tea. Then l and my friends were playing at the snowballs. That were my best winter holidays.