1Does Fred have milk and bread for breakfast. 2)Does Alice have blue eyes. 3) Does Thomas have a cat. 4)Does Steve have a lot of friends. 5)Does Mary have a nice ball. 2 Rose is five. In the morning, her mother gives Rose tasty porridge. Ann doesn't like porridge. She likes sweets and cakes. Rose says, "May i have some sweets, Mum?" Her mum says, "Yes, you may, but after the porridge." Ann gets up early. After breakfast Ann goes to school. Ann does her homework after lunch In the evening Ann likes to play puzzles. At 9 o,clock Ann goes to bed. 4.
поливать цветы - water flowers
смотреть телевизор - watch TV
слушать музыку - listen to music
гулять в парке - walk in the park
ложиться спать - go to bed
играть на пианино - play the piano
1. 1)Does Fred have milk and bread for breakfast.2)Does Alice have blue eyes.3) Does Thomas have a cat.4)Does Steve have a lot of friends.5)Does Mary have a nice ball. 2.Rose is five. In the morning, her mother gives Rose tasty porridge. Ann doesn,t like porridge. She likes sweets and cakes. Rose says, "May i have some sweets, Mum?" Her mum says, "Yes, you may, but after the porridge." 3.Ann gets up early. After breakfast Ann goes to school. Ann does her homework after lunch In the evening Ann likes to play puzzles. At 9 o,clock Ann goes to bed. 4.
поливать цветы -water flowers
смотреть телевизор -watch TV
слушать музыку -listen to music
гулять в парке -walk in the park
ложиться спать -go to bed
играть на пианино - play the piano
1 are woken up
2 are told
3 is cooked
4 are asked
5 are taught
6 were taught
7 were taken
8 were shown
9 were explained?! (это неправильно, потому что глагол explain НЕЛЬЗЯ использовать в такой конструкции - смотрите пояснение ниже)
10 are usually made
11 will be predicted
Такие глаголы как explain (something to somebody — объяснять что-то кому-то), point out (указывать), announce (объявлять), dictate (диктовать), describe (описывать), mention (упоминать), repeat (повторять), suggest (предлагать), propose (предлагать) образуют только одну конструкцию в пассивном залоге:
The rule was explained to him. — Ему объяснили правило (правило было объяснено).
Но НЕЛЬЗЯ образовать такое предложение:
He was explained the rule.