ДА здесь 3 звука.
[ ɵ ] - поместите кончик языка между зубами и произнесите букву с.
[ ɔ: ] - долгий звук о
[ t ] - т, произнесённое не у зубов, а у дёсен
Zaporizhzhya until 1921 - Oleksandrivsk) is a place in Ukraine, the administrative center of the Zaporizka region.
Roztashovans on the main water transport mainline of Ukraine - Richtsi Dnipro, at the city of Ukraine cross the transport and communal corridors, so that the day of the country goes from the capital of Ukraine to the central regions of Donets
At the same time, from the new settlements, I set up Zaporizka agglomeration. Є one of the most important administrative, industrial and cultural centers of the Ukrainian era with respect to machinery and equipment, black and color metallurgy, chemical and wake-up industries, transit ports and important cities.
the film name is Hatiko, the director is Lasse Hallstrom and the main actors are Richard Gere, Joanne Allen, and, of course, the dog named Hatiko. The plot is about a brave dog and his owner. This story is actually sad, and the ending was really though and thought-provoking. I watched Hatiko when i was 10 years old, and still this film is one of my favorite. I had a lot of feelings while watching this movie, and that is why i totally recommend it.
Важные марки:
посмотрел фильм в 10 лет; фильм вызвал много эмоций; один из любимых фильмов;
Да, в этом слове три звука: θ, ɔː и t.