ответьте на эти вопросы (на ) who is walt disney? who is micky mouse? what was disney's hobby when he was a child? how did he earn his first money? what company did he start with his brother? what film brought him the first award? what films did he make? what disney's films did you see? ?
Еще я очень сильно люблю своих друзей с ними не соскучишься. я люблю заниматься спортом,играть футбол вместе с друзьями
Это очень увлекательная игра.Что бы играть футбол нужно быть выносливым и быстро бегать.
Мне нравится изучать английский язык.Я б хотела побывать в Англии.
I like many things in this life.A love my parents and spend time with nimi.Iz sports lessons I like martial arts, this exercise strengthens the spirit and silu.Ya in this circle, I found a lot of friends. I also very much love my friends do not get bored with them. I love to play sports, play soccer with his friends This is very exciting to play football igra.Chto need to be strong and run fast. I like to learn English yazyk.Ya'd like to go to England.