Thanks to what life on the planet continues. They are also very useful for human well-being. If you want you to be saved, in your area. In addition, it is important to use paper wisely. If you are serious about protecting trees.
Bez derev'yev gorodskiye zastroyki nachinayut peregrevat'sya, poskol'ku dorogi i zdaniya uderzhivayut teplo, iz-za chego lyudyam prikhoditsya tratit' bol'she elektrichestva na okhlazhdeniye doma. Gde by vy ni zhili, nachnite borot'sya za sokhraneniye derev'yev radi uluchsheniya klimata goroda.
Without trees, urban buildings begin to overheat because roads and buildings retain heat, which is why people have to spend more electricity to cool their homes. Wherever you live, start fighting for tree conservation to improve the city’s climate.
If you see this happening to a person who is cutting down and finds out why he does it. Due to illness, only for aesthetic reasons.
Find out if logging is legal. Some tree species are protected from private areas. If you think the tree should be preserved, proceed.
Давным-давно в далекой стране Жил-был король. Он жил в красивом дворце. У него было все, что он любил. Он любил сыр больше всего. Его сыроделы делали лучший сыр на всей земле.Каждый во дворце чуял запах сыра. Все в городе могли чувствовать запах сыра. Каждый человек в стране мог понюхать сыр.Однажды маленькая мышь учуяла сыр. Она рассказала всем своим друзьям о сыре. Вскоре каждая мышь в стране побежала во дворец. Мыши были очень счастливы. Они жили во дворце и ели царский сыр. Но король не был счастлив. Он созвал своих мудрецов и спросил их: "Как мне избавиться от этих мышей?" "Это легко", - сказал один из мудрецов. Мы знаем как избавиться от них."
Thanks to what life on the planet continues. They are also very useful for human well-being. If you want you to be saved, in your area. In addition, it is important to use paper wisely. If you are serious about protecting trees.
Bez derev'yev gorodskiye zastroyki nachinayut peregrevat'sya, poskol'ku dorogi i zdaniya uderzhivayut teplo, iz-za chego lyudyam prikhoditsya tratit' bol'she elektrichestva na okhlazhdeniye doma. Gde by vy ni zhili, nachnite borot'sya za sokhraneniye derev'yev radi uluchsheniya klimata goroda.
Without trees, urban buildings begin to overheat because roads and buildings retain heat, which is why people have to spend more electricity to cool their homes. Wherever you live, start fighting for tree conservation to improve the city’s climate.
If you see this happening to a person who is cutting down and finds out why he does it. Due to illness, only for aesthetic reasons.
Find out if logging is legal. Some tree species are protected from private areas. If you think the tree should be preserved, proceed.