Rewrite the sentences with must and mustn't. 1) don't swim alone in the lake. 2) bring trainers with you. 3) don't make phone calls after 10 pm. 4) wake up early.
My travelling to Greece was really magical. Great weather, warm sea and a lot of sightseeing made me happy. The most unforgettable place of unterest in Greece is Athens. I can talk about it countless and every story will be more and more interesting. I liked to visit little shops and buy various souvenirs and gifts for my friends. But it is better once to visit Greece, its ancient world and to see everything with your own eyes. I certainly will go to Greece again to enjoy sun, sea and excursions. I want to see Thessaloniki, Meteora, Delphi, Athens, Thermopylae and Olympus, Dion, Vergina once more.
Путешествие в Грецию было действительно волшебным. Отличная погода, теплое ласковое море и очень много достопримечательностей делали меня счастливым. Самое незабываемое зрелище в Греции это Афины. Рассказывать о них можно долго и интересно, но лучше один раз побывать там, в античном мире и все увидеть своими глазами. Мне очень понравилось посещать маленькие магазинчики и покупать там различные сувениры и подарки для моих друзей.Я обязательно поеду в Грецию еще раз и буду наслаждаться морем, солнцем и экскурсиями. Хочу еще раз увидеть Салоники, Метеоры, Дельфы, Афины, Фермопилы и Олимп, Дион, Вергина.
School is a very important part in every person's life. As I spent many years here, I can talk about school and school life, as an expert. In general, I treat school positively because my school life is wonderful. There are lots of concerts, performances and sport competitions in our school. Most of all in school life I like extra lessons, because I can choose the subject for studying in depth, one that will help me in the future. I don't have and never had any situations that would make me feel unhappy or worried. My classmates and I often take part in different school events. I have a lot of friends in my class. Our teachers are kind and intelligent and my classmates are smart and friendly. As for me my school gives us a good start in adult life, I would like to say that our school prepares students for choice of their profession, because during many years of study, we are face to face with different objects and problems and can understand what we like and what we dislike.
1) You mustn`t swim alone in the lake.
2) You must bring trainers with you.
3) You mustn`t make phone calls after 10 pm.
4) You must wake up early.