this summer i flew with my parents to relax in turkey, the beautiful city of kemer. there i met many foreigners, and they all spoke different languages. nature there is magnificent, beautiful palm trees, flowering bushes. near our hotel there were swimming pools with various winding slides, and next to it was the mediterranean sea. the water was warm and absolutely transparent. we visited the disney park "the lend of legends" where we skated on various water attractions, it was fun. bathed, sunbathed, watched an interesting show of dolphins and went shopping. every day, day and night animation and foam parties were held on site. in addition, i went to visit my grandparents. it's a pity that the summer holidays ended so quickly
It is very difficult to imagine our life without shopping. On the one hand, this is an important part of household chores. What's more, shopping is a way to get the food and clothing you need. If you don't, you won't have all the things that make your life comfortable.
On the other hand, for most people, shopping is not only a duty or necessity, but also a real pleasure. As far as I know, there is a so-called shopping therapy that helps people relax by buying various goods, and even just looking at the windows of shops.
As for me, I do not belong to this group of people. Shopping doesn't make me happy, and sometimes it can even become a nightmare. When I cannot find the things that I need, it is very annoying and unnerving to me. Thus, I only go shopping when there is no other choice. I go to the supermarket for food once or twice a week. There is a large shopping center near my house, so I can buy everything in one place. From time to time, when I need something urgently, I can look into a shop near my home. I usually go alone, so I can buy everything quickly and efficiently. I always make a shopping list before I go to the store.
Today, online shopping is becoming more and more popular. I am absolutely convinced that this is the most convenient way. You are just browsing the Internet with a huge selection of products. Plus, you can compare prices and find a really good deal. Also your purchases can deliver to you. It is surprisingly easy and saves a lot of time and effort.
So if you're not a shopping fanatic like me, shop online.
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Modern cities are full of various shops. There are clothes shops, antique shops, bookstores, beauty shops, pharmacies, gift shops, supermarkets, newspaper stands, stationery shops, etc. When I want to buy food and beverages, I go to the nearest supermarket. There is also one hypermarket not far from us, but to get there I need to take a mini-bus. To buy the rest of necessary products and household items, I go to the local mall. It’s a place where I can find all the shops I need. I can buy a new pair of shoes, a present for a friend, a new lipstick, medical supplies, a book or simply some pens and pencils there. When I want to buy some clothes and shoes I ask shop assistants for help. These qualified people are always there to give a wise advice. It has become easy to shop nowadays. I can even order all the necessary things online. It’s called online-shopping. But when it comes to clothes and shoes, I prefer to try them on at first, so online shopping is not for me. Things that I can order online include medical supplies, pizza and train tickets. Another reason, why I’d prefer to shop personally is the mere atmosphere of shopping. I like visiting the bakery round the corner and buying freshly-baked bread. I like going to the mall with my friends, because after some shopping we go to the cinema or to the cafeteria. Choosing a book or a present is almost a sacramental rite for me. I spend hours choosing such things, not because I’m indecisive, but simply because I like the atmosphere of bookstores and gift shops. I think that shops are useful and necessary in every city or town. And, for many people shopping is not just a need but a great pleasure.