Вот: All the documents have already been sent. 2. If you meet him, don't say anything 3. At the entrance to the University, we took his coat and went to the dining room 4. When the teacher entered the class, he remembered that he forgot in a cafe your hat 5. Leave him alone, he thinks 6. Can't you hear me? 7. They say he worked here 10 years ago 8. If you learned all the rules required for writing the test, you have now no problem with English 9. He finished the work by eight in the evening 10. Students wrote the tests, and teachers have them checked 11. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't understand you 12. The teacher had not yet arrived, and the audience waiting for him in the hallway 13. Everyone knew that he had not prepared the report 14. No one saw as he spoke to Dean 15. When he opened the briefcase, he realized that he forgot it at home 16. By three o'clock we returned home 17. Our friends are still not back from London 18. I think he is a smart man 19. I am thinking to go somewhere in a couple of weeks 20. Outside the room, she forgot to turn Off the light.
The children quickly rushed to the bottom , took the bags and went outside. I closed the door. Kate said she forgot homework , and we had to go back. I told her to hurry. Kate found her homework and rushed into the car. I again closed the door . and then Charlie said that he had forgotten his sports clothing (sport kit) , and we again had to go back , I told him that he rather took its form or they would be late to school. I closed the door and opened dwerr machine , the kids wanted to sit on the front seat , but in my face they got back . And then I remembered that I forgot my bag , I ran after her . Kate asked "can I turn on the radio? "I turned on the radio and they said that today is Saturday , I didn't believe , and the children were glad
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