Чувак, довольно много заданий для такого кол-ва баллов. Так что поставь лучший ответ и ок?
Слова для вставки по порядку:
1) is
2) am
3) am
4) is
5) am
6) is
7) are
8) is
Во Множественные числа:
leaf - leaves
foot - feet
box - boxes
baby - babies
woman - women
potato - potatoes
toy - toys
child - children
tooth - teeth
brush - brushes
Слова для вставки по порядку:
1) e-mail
2) homework
3) garden
4) dinner
5) jogging
Порядковые числительные:
14th - fourteenth
10th - tenth
2nd - second
21st - twenty first
17th - seventeenth
Во ответ:
1 - b
2 - d
3 - c
4 - e
5 - a
2. If i was younger, I couldn't solve such problem as this one.
3. You will become cleverer, if you read these books.
4. They will be more succeful, if don't play videogames as much as they do.
5. If it rains, we won't walk with our friends.
6. If he didn't come there, they all could die.
7. If he didn't say that, she wouldn't hate him.
8. I will become a good drawer, if i begin studying art from now.
9. I could be a good student, if I work harder.
10. If i play videogames for a long time, maybe i will become a proffesional.