Отец эрнстин использует диаграммы, которые могли бы организовать дела. таблица на стр.236 вам угадать значение слов в .скопируйте таблицу и заполните ее. используйте словарь, чтобы проверить, верны ли ваши догадки
1)You've been on vacation this year? There has not yet been 2)did She eat anything today? There has not yet been 3)When I was on vacation, I dellmeco photos 4)Recently she told me an amazing story 5)When was the last time you saw him? 6)still he didn't come home from work and I'm very worried 7)Do you have woven this beautiful text!Good for you! 8)In class we read and wrote words that answered the questions and translated the text. 9)I wanted to call him but couldn't. I had no phone 10)I started learning English when I was 5 years old.
1)You've been on vacation this year? There has not yet been 2)did She eat anything today? There has not yet been 3)When I was on vacation, I dellmeco photos 4)Recently she told me an amazing story 5)When was the last time you saw him? 6)still he didn't come home from work and I'm very worried 7)Do you have woven this beautiful text!Good for you! 8)In class we read and wrote words that answered the questions and translated the text. 9)I wanted to call him but couldn't. I had no phone 10)I started learning English when I was 5 years old.
There has not yet been
2)did She eat anything today?
There has not yet been
3)When I was on vacation, I dellmeco photos
4)Recently she told me an amazing story
5)When was the last time you saw him?
6)still he didn't come home from work and I'm very worried
7)Do you have woven this beautiful text!Good for you!
8)In class we read and wrote words that answered the questions and translated the text.
9)I wanted to call him but couldn't.
I had no phone
10)I started learning English when I was 5 years old.