Общие вопросы:
1. Does the heart circulate blood throughout the body?
2. Can the heartbeats be felt as the pulse?
3. Is each chamber divided into upper and lower compartments?
4. Has the heart stopped beating?
Специальные вопросы:
1. What does the heart circulate throughout the body?
2. What can the heartbeats be felt as?
3. What compartments is each chamber divided into?
Вопросы к подлежащему:
1. What circulates blood throughout the body?
2. What can be felt as the pulse?
3. What is divided into upper and lower compartments?
4. What has stopped beating?
Альтернативные вопросы:
1. Does the heart circulate blood or air throughout the body?
2. Can the heartbeats be felt as the pulse or noise?
3. Is each chamber divided into upper and lower compartments or tubes?
4. Has the heart stopped or started beating?
Разделительные вопросы:
1. The heart circulate blood throughout the body, doesn’t it?
2. The heartbeats can be felt as the pulse, can’t it?
3. Each chamber is divided into upper and lower compartments, isn’t it?
4. The heart has stopped beating, hasn’t it?
It is generally considered that no sex differences exist in the count of white corpuscles or leucocytes. The count of leucocytes in the blood of a healthy person is 4,500 to 9,500 per cu mm (cubic millimetre). When the number of white blood cells (WBC) is counted after mental or physical exertion, meals and mild activity it may increase to 10,000 and more per cu mm.
It is estimated that the erythrocytes are the most numerous cellular elements, ranging from 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 per cu mm. The red blood cell count (RBC) may change with age; when the red blood cell count is done after physical exertion and emotions it may increase.
War is death, it is tears of both adults and children. War is ruin to everything. That is why we must live in peace and good neighborliness with all the peoples of the world. For this we need to protect our country. To protect nature means to protect the environment. One such small planet EARTH. She is for everyone !!