1) he graduated from university last year. 2)did they take English lessons last year? 3) he won't work in the library. 4)I'm sure that he will often write letters to his parents. 5) is he reading a book now? 6) my children were sleeping when I came home. 7) while I was cooking dinner my parents were watching tv 8)he will be studing in the library from 12 pm till 5 pm 9) he hasn't written an article yet 10) he told that he had prepared for exam well 11)I have been waiting for you for 20 minutes 12)he had been studing English last year for 5 months 13)he will have been working here for 20 years on 1st of June
Волк увидел овечку, пасущуюся около ручья, и захотел ее съесть. Он крикнул: - Я не могу пить грязную воду! А она очень грязная! Это ты ее замутила! Ты вошла с грязными ногами в воду! - Нет, я ее не мутила, - ответила овца. Я не входил в воду. Я пью воду, но не пачкую ее своими ногами. Посмотрите! Мои ноги не в воде. - ответила овечка. - Ладно. Тогда это было в году. Ты ставила свои ноги в воду в году! - крикнул Волк. - И ты ее испачкала. - Но мне только четыре месяца, - воскликнула овечка.- Как я могла зайти в ручей год назад? - Если это и не ты, то это был твой брат или отец, - крикнул волк и прыгнул на несчастную овечку. Но овечка отбежала. И Волк упал в воду.
i took her dress myself.
she took his food without permission.
we took and ran away from the police.
dad took the remote and sat on the sofa.
mom took the salt and added to the salad.
the teacher took our notebooks.
i took the book in the library.
i take the job from the teacher.
i took a ticket for tomorrow's flight.
i took a new bag.