ответ:Sudden-onset natural and technological disasters impose a substantial health burden, either directly on the population or indirectly on the capacity of the health services to address primary health care needs. The relationship between communicable diseases and disasters merits special attention. This chapter does not address epidemics of emerging or reemerging diseases, chronic degradation of the environment, progressive climatic change, or health problems associated with famine and temporary settlements.
In line with the definition of health adopted in the constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), the chapter treats disasters as a health condition or risk, which, as any other "disease," should be the subject of epidemiological analysis, systematic control, and prevention, rather than merely as an emergency medicine or humanitarian matter. The chapter stresses the interdependency between long-term sustainable development and catastrophic events, leading to the conclusion that neither can be addressed in isolation.
Перевод :
Я живу в 10-этажном кирпичном многоквартирном доме в спокойном районе, не так далеко от центра города.У нас есть зал, кухня, ванная, 2 спальни и кладовка.Вид из окон нашего зала изумительный. У меня есть своя комната. По своему вкусу я выбирала обои для стен и мебель: диван с красивыми подушками, гардероб, письменный стол и торшер. Мои родители очень гостеприимны, и наш дом всегда открыт для друзей и родственников. обрамляют персиковые шелковые шторы.