Today shopping is getting more and more popular. One can find big shopping centers with hundreds of boutiques almost in every city. Recently, gigantic hypermarkets have become favorite places for many people. They come there to do some shopping and meet with friends. Hypermarkets also offer entertainment like cinema, bowling or bars. This makes little shopping trips even more attractive. At the same time, the so-called “shopping addiction” is considered a mental disorder. So, people have different opinions about shopping.
I watched film guardians of the galaxy last week. The courageous traveler Peter Quill falls into the hands of a mysterious artifact belonging to the powerful and ruthless villain Ronan, who is making insidious plans to seize the universe. Peter finds himself at the center of an intergalactic hunt, where the victim is himself. I like this film. На неделе я посмотрел фильм Стражи Галактики. Отважному путешественнику Питеру Квиллу попадает в руки таинственный артефакт, принадлежащий могущественному и безжалостному злодею Ронану, строящему коварные планы по захвату Вселенной. Питер оказывается в центре межгалактической охоты, где жертва — он сам.Мне понравился этот фильм.
Today shopping is getting more and more popular. One can find big shopping centers with hundreds of boutiques almost in every city. Recently, gigantic hypermarkets have become favorite places for many people. They come there to do some shopping and meet with friends. Hypermarkets also offer entertainment like cinema, bowling or bars. This makes little shopping trips even more attractive. At the same time, the so-called “shopping addiction” is considered a mental disorder. So, people have different opinions about shopping.