Volkhonka Street
In Moscow's Central Administrative District, Catherine the Great, lived in a wooden palace near between Prechistenskaya Embankment and the street. Towards the end of the 18tn cantury the Znamenka Street, lies one of the oldest streets in the city - Street.
There are many landmarks in this 620-metre-long Its history is exciting. During the 14th century, aver street. Near Prechistenskye Vorota Square stands the 600 years ago, the street connected the Kremlin with Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. You can also find the village of Semchinskoye. However, up unt 1658 many important museums and galleries in Volkhonka the actual name of the street was "Chertolskaya" Street, There's the Pushkin State Museum of Fine This is because ended at the border of the city in Arts. There's also the State Art Gallery of the Chertolye area.
People's Artist of the USSR Ilya Glazunov. All this The street was popular among merchants, makes Volkhonka Street one of the most craftsmen and government officials. During the reign streets in Russia. of Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century, royal servants, officials as well as nobles built their houses along that street. During the reign of Aleksey Mikhailovich in the 17th century, the street changed its name to Prechistenskaya. However, local people preferred to call it just Prechistenka.
In the 17th century, the noble Prozorovsky, Sheremetev and Yushkov families moved into houses along Prechistenka. In the 18th century, Empress
Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 How many times did the street change its names? What
were they?
2 Where did the street lead to during the 14th century? 3 Who lived in that street in the 16th century? 4 Who lived in that street in the 17th century? 5 Name three landmarks people can find in that street.
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Моей любимой сказкой с тех пор, когда я ещё сама читать не могла, а только слушала, остаётся “Сказка о мёртвой царевне и семи богатырях” А.С. Пушкина. Она даёт возможность пережить и печаль, и горе, и радость, и счастье. Её герои навсегда остаются в памяти – все, и не только люди, но и верный Соколка. Даже предметы живут своей жизнью в воображении: и волшебное зеркало, и наливное отравленное яблоко, и печальный хрустальный гроб на цепях.
Герои представлены очень трогательными, добрыми и верными друг другу. И молодая царевна, и её жених королевич Елисей кажутся беззащитными перед злобой царицы-мачехи и пробуждают у читателя горячее желание им. Кажется, что силой своей мысли ты, как читатель, в сообществе с писателем посылаешь героям : семеро богатырей, силы природы, из которых хоть одна да .
Последняя сцена пробуждения юной царевны от смертельного сна волшебным поцелуем заставляла часто биться не одно сердце