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08.09.2021 12:13 •  Английский язык

Рассказать о национальном блюде: из чего сделано как его готовить,каково оно на вкус.(желательно про борщ) на


A delicious word-borsch, of course, is known to all lovers of glorious refreshment. Gluttons do not even think about the origin of the dish, its origin, about what the history of borscht is. How many countries prepare a favorite dish, there are so many opinions and stories of borscht. For many decades, even centuries, there is an eternal debate who invented the famous food. Slavic peoples prove that this is their national, culinary achievement, to cook beetroot soup (and each nation has its own cuisine). Historians have put forward the version about the appearance of the red stew among the ancient Romans. For many centuries BC the Roman inhabitants cooked soup, with the addition of all kinds of edible vegetables. The main components were beets, cabbage. Greek sailors gave the red vegetable its current name, bringing it to the shores of the Scythian, Slavic, Northern peoples.

Where did the name come from Linguists believe that the definition of borscht came from the plant borscht, so the old Slavic peoples called the Burgundy vegetable, using only the leaves for cooking. Borscht-was named soup from borscht. There's also a view, pioneers in the creation of the red soup are Cossacks. Among these peoples, the dish was called "Scherba". In Russia, was in the use of liquid food with the composition of beets and cabbage. "Brown soup" as it was called.


About the exact origin of hot beetroot, (just such, which is popular to this day) there are only assumptions. In Russia, the countries of the post - Soviet space, a very important, favorite tradition is to cook red cabbage soup, the main dish of national cuisine. Their methods, subtleties, for cooking this food use Romanians, poles, Hungarians. Even in different regions of the same Republic, cooking methods can be globally different. The championship of the competition for cooking red soup, the most revered in many countries of the world, was won by Ukraine.

In Ukraine, since time immemorial prepare beetroot. History of borscht in the Chronicles of the 14th century mention about such food. Boiling, steaming, vegetable soup had the status of the main dish, at the tables of the refectory kings, at the magnificent feasts of those times. It was solemnly carried out by large vats at wedding feasts. For memorial dinners, an important attribute of the memory of the deceased, beet soup. It is assumed that, together with the steam, the soul of the deceased flies away from the hot plate. For the republics-Ukraine, Belarus, the tradition has survived to this day. It is impossible to know, especially to remember why red hot soup, an important attribute of these events.

From what to prepare

The number of products involved in cooking beetroot, it is impossible to describe briefly. A wide range of vegetable crops is used to prepare the famous dish. The main component, of course beets. Other vegetables or meat products are added according to the recipe. Each self-respecting hostess has its own proprietary way of cooking. Be sure to put any indispensable ingredient (zest) for this dish. Carrots, potatoes, paprika, onions, tomatoes, garlic. Necessary vegetables, which are certainly part of the famous borscht. Therefore, there is no exact, correct, reliable recipe.


Ukrainian – the most noble, revered by lovers of delicious food. Its popularity is useless to dispute. It is easier to list the ingredients that are not in the Ukrainian borscht than those that are present. The recipe of preparation is a large number of vegetable, meat products (certainly lard, lard), as they say, that the spoon stood.

So same revere, Russian borsch. The presence of beef or pork broth is mandatory, as is the presence of a variety of vegetables. Richness is not Ukrainian, however, love, cook, respect, served in every home. Lunch without the first, can not be called a lunch.

Lithuanian cold red soup is the pride of the nation. Salted kefir, of course beets, a lot of all kinds of greens, boiled egg. The meal is ready. On hot summer days, it is extraordinarily good. The name is the same, the dishes are completely different.

On the recipes of borscht, its origin briefly, it is impossible to describe. Professional cooks sometimes give it a lifetime. Nevertheless, the noble dish always remains respected and in demand.


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Великий Гэтсби.  Родившийся в  Северной Дакоте, сын бедных фермеров однажды  попал на борт роскошной яхты, великолепие которой так поразило воображение фермерского сына, что он поклялся себе стать таким же богатым, как владелец яхты. Вторым судьбоносным событием его юности стало увлечение молодой аристократкой Дэзи. Внушив себе любовь к прекрасной даме, он решил посвятить свою жизнь обретению богатства, мирской славы и сердца Дэзи. Джеймс Гэтц решил  выдумать Джея Гэтсби преуспевающего бизнесмена с якобы оксфордским образованием. Гэтсби приезжает в Нью-Йорк, там его поклонение богатству быстро приносит успех, выражением которого становится вилла-дворец в престижном районе Лонг-Айленда и чуть не ежедневно устраиваемые им роскошные вечеринки для местных знаменитостей. Наивно мечтая стать легендой, он напускает на себя таинственность. Не случайно многие знакомые Гэтсби распускают о нем сплетни, будто он — «немецкий шпион», «богатый наследник» или беглый убийца. Все эти широкие жесты эксцентричного богача преследуют одну цель — привлечь к себе внимание Дэзи. Трагедия жизни Гэтсби состоит в том, что он оказался чужд тому классу, к которому он мечтал и пытался приобщиться. Он обречен на одиночество. Он был одинок в жизни, когда, покинутый своими гостями, стоял вечерами на берегу и тоскливо всматривался в далекий зеленый огонек у дома Дэзи. И так же одинок он оказался после смерти: никто из бесчисленных приятелей и знакомых — в том числе и его любовь — не пришел проводить его в последний путь. Образ «великого Гэтсби» нарисован с искренней симпатией, но в то же время с долей иронии. Гэтсби,— американский «герой нашего времени», так называемого «века джаза», легкомысленной, веселой, но недолгой поры послевоенного процветания Америки.  Гэтсби олицетворяет мечтательный идеализм бедных провинциалов и неминуемый крах их мечтаний после.
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I would buy him a book of Agatha Christie, because I have read it myself and I found it to be very interesting. When I started to read it I could not stop as I wanted to know who was the killer. Also i know that a lot of people like this book. Furthermore it is classical detective story. I didn't choose the other two books as I have not read them. I suppose that Jane Air is more for the girls, and not a lot of people enjoy romance in a book. Tolkien's book is probably a fantasy and I know that my friend does not like fantasy and unrealistic stories. 
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